Embracing Creativity: The Evolution of "Dumb Daniel"

Yukti Manoj Mulani - May 23 - - Dev Community

Welcome back to the final installment of our journey into the world of 6502 assembly programming! If you've been following along, you're already familiar with "Dumb Daniel," our trusty companion on this adventure. Today, we're diving into the latest chapter of our story as "Dumb Daniel" undergoes a remarkable transformation, evolving from a humble arithmetic calculator into a mesmerizing display of colors on the screen.

A Journey of Discovery

Our journey with "Dumb Daniel" began with a simple goal: to create the easiest program possible within the confines of 6502 assembly. Armed with determination and a sense of curiosity, we set out to conquer the world of assembly programming, one instruction at a time.

Unforeseen Challenges

As we delved deeper into the intricacies of 6502 assembly, we encountered our fair share of challenges and surprises. From unexpected arithmetic quirks to the limitations of the emulator, each obstacle presented an opportunity for growth and learning.

The Birth of "Dumb Daniel"

Out of these challenges emerged "Dumb Daniel," a quirky creation born out of necessity and ingenuity. With its humble beginnings as a simple arithmetic calculator, "Dumb Daniel" quickly captured our imagination and led us on a journey of exploration and discovery.

A Twist of Fate: Embracing Creativity

But as our journey progressed, we found ourselves craving something more than just arithmetic operations. We longed to unleash our creativity and push the boundaries of what was possible within the constraints of the emulator. And so, we made a bold decision to transform "Dumb Daniel" into something truly extraordinary.

The Evolution Unveiled: Colorful Creations

With a few simple tweaks to our code, "Dumb Daniel" underwent a remarkable transformation, blossoming into a vibrant display of colors on the screen. From bold blues to fiery reds, each pixel became a canvas for our imagination, allowing us to create intricate patterns and mesmerizing displays.

Embracing the Future

As we bid farewell to our colorful creation, we can't help but wonder what lies ahead for "Dumb Daniel." Will it continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, or will it pave the way for even more daring experiments? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the journey is far from over.

Join Us on the Adventure

Thank you for joining us on this exhilarating journey through the world of 6502 assembly programming. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a curious novice, we invite you to join us on our quest for knowledge and exploration.

With "Dumb Daniel" by our side, we're ready to embark on new adventures and continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of assembly programming. Until next time, happy coding!

Code Reveal

; ROM routines
define      SCINIT      $ff81 ; initialize/clear screen
define      CHRIN       $ffcf ; input character from keyboard
define      CHROUT      $ffd2 ; output character to screen
define      SCREEN      $ffed ; get screen size
define      PLOT        $fff0 ; get/set cursor coordinates

; Memory locations
define      INPUT       $2000 ; input buffer (up to 5 chars)

    jsr SCINIT

    ldy #$00
    lda string,y
    beq done
    jsr CHROUT
    bne printString

    jsr readinput

    lda #$0D
    jsr CHROUT

    ldy #$00
    lda INPUT,y
    jsr CHROUT
    cpy #$05
    bne print_input


    dcb "I","f",32,"y","o","u",32,"w","a","n","t",32,"t","o",32,"s","e","e",32"m","a","g","i","c",32,"t","h","e","n",32,"t","y","p","e",32,"m","a","g","i","c",32,"a","n","d",32,"p","r","e","s","s",32,"e","n","t","e","r",32,"t","w","i","c","e",32,00

; ---------------------------------------------------------------
    lda #$A0
    jsr CHROUT
    lda #$83
    jsr CHROUT

    ldy #$00

    jsr CHRIN
    CMP #$00
    beq read_char

    cmp #$08
    bne check_enter

    cpy #$00
    beq read_char

    lda #$20
    jsr CHROUT
    lda #$83
    jsr CHROUT
    jsr CHROUT
    lda #$A0
    jsr CHROUT
    LDA #$83
    jsr CHROUT

    cmp #$0D
    bne check_letter
    cpy #$05
    beq execute

    cmp #97
    bcc uppercase

    cmp #123
    bcs read_char

    sbc #32

    cmp #65
    bcc read_char

    cmp #91
    bcs read_char

    cpy #$05
    beq read_char

    sta INPUT,y
    jsr CHROUT  

    lda #$A0
    jsr CHROUT
    lda #$83
    jsr CHROUT


    jmp read_char

    lda #$20
    jsr CHROUT


    ldy #$00
loop:   lda #$e     ; colour number
        sta $0200,y ; set pixel colour at page 2+y
        lda #$f     ; colour number
        sta $0300,y     ; set pixel colour at page 3+y
        lda #$3     ; colour number
        sta $0400,y     ; set pixel colour at page 4+y
        lda #$a     ; colour number
        sta $0500,y     ; set pixel colour ar page 5+y
        iny     ; increment index
        bne loop    ; continue until done the page (256 pixels)

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Credits to my professor Chris Tyler for providing the code of getting input from the keyboard.

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