Docker Compose Commands: Understanding 'up -d' vs 'up --build'

Yuvraj Singh Jadon - Aug 15 - - Dev Community

As developers, we often work with Docker to containerize our applications. Docker Compose is a tool that helps us define and manage multi-container Docker applications. In this post, we'll explore two common Docker Compose commands and their use cases: docker-compose up -d and docker-compose up --build.

The Basics: What These Commands Do

Before we dive into the details, let's quickly outline what these commands do:

  1. docker-compose up -d: Starts containers in detached mode
  2. docker-compose up --build: Rebuilds images before starting containers

Now, let's break down each command and explore when to use them.

docker-compose up -d: Quick Starts in the Background

The -d flag in docker-compose up -d stands for "detached" mode. Here's what you need to know:

  • Background Operation: This command starts your containers in the background, freeing up your terminal for other tasks.
  • Uses Existing Images: It uses pre-built images if they're available locally.
  • Pulls if Necessary: If an image isn't found locally, it pulls from the registry.
  • No Rebuilding: It doesn't rebuild images, even if their Dockerfiles have changed.

When to Use It:

  • When you want to quickly start your services without any changes
  • For production environments where images are pre-built
  • When you need to run services in the background

docker-compose up --build: Ensuring Fresh Builds

The --build flag forces Docker Compose to rebuild your images. Key points:

  • Forced Rebuild: It rebuilds all images defined with a build context in your docker-compose.yml file.
  • Foreground Operation: By default, this runs in the foreground (attached mode).
  • Incorporates Changes: Ensures your containers use the latest version of your code and Dockerfile instructions.

When to Use It:

  • After making changes to your Dockerfile
  • When you've updated your application code
  • In development environments where you frequently iterate on your containers

Combining the Commands

You're not limited to using these flags separately. You can combine them for different effects:

docker-compose up -d --build
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This command rebuilds your images and then starts the containers in detached mode. It's useful when you want to ensure you're running the latest version of your services in the background.

Best Practices

  1. Development Workflows: Use --build frequently in development to ensure you're testing the latest changes.
  2. CI/CD Pipelines: Incorporate --build in your continuous integration processes to catch build issues early.
  3. Production Deployments: Use -d for production deployments where images are pre-built and validated.
  4. Documentation: Clearly document in your project README which command developers should use and when.


Understanding the nuances between docker-compose up -d and docker-compose up --build can significantly improve your Docker workflow. By choosing the right command for your situation, you can save time, ensure consistency, and avoid potential issues caused by outdated images.

Remember, the key is to use -d when you need quick, background starts of existing services, and --build when you need to incorporate recent changes into your containers.

What's your experience with these Docker Compose commands? Do you have any tips or tricks to share? Let us know in the comments below!

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