How to use PostgreSQL with Haskell: squeal

Zelenya - Oct 3 '23 - - Dev Community

Okay, what if we did something quite similar but quite different?

Squeal “is a type-safe embedding of PostgreSQL in Haskell”, which means “that Squeal embeds both SQL terms and SQL types into Haskell at the term and type levels respectively. This leads to a very high level of type-safety”.

Install squeal-postgresql ( released in 2023) and generics-sop, which the library uses for generic encodings of Haskell tuples and records.

Enable: DataKinds, GADTs, and OverloadedLabels

💡 (It’s not very important, but) We assume you’ve seen the part on postgresql-simple, which covers the same topics but at a slower pace.

How to connect to a database

We pass libpq connection string (e.g., "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres dbname=warehouse password=password") to withConnection:

withConnection Hardcoded.connectionString $ 
    & pqThen doBar
    & pqThen doBaz
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We can also create a connection pool using createConnectionPool and use the pool with usingConnectionPool.

How to define tables

First, we define table columns and constraints:

type ProductColumns =
  '[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
   , "label" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext
   , "description" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext

type ProductConstraints = '["pk_product" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"]]
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'Def means that DEFAULT is available for inserts and updates, 'NoDef — unavailable. We specify nullability with 'NotNull and 'Null and the primary key with 'PrimaryKey.

We use the ::: type operators to pair a Symbol with schema types, constraints, column types, etc. We use :=> to specify constraints as well as optionality.

All the other tables look pretty similar (with additional 'ForeignKey constraints here and there); see the repo for the rest of the boilerplate.

Then, we define a schema:

type Schema =
  '[ "product" ::: 'Table (ProductConstraints :=> ProductColumns)
   , "category" ::: 'Table (CategoryConstraints :=> CategoryColumns)
   , "product_category" ::: 'Table (ProductCategoryConstraints :=> ProductCategoryColumns)
   , "warehouse" ::: 'Table (WarehouseConstraints :=> WarehouseColumns)

type DB = Public Schema
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We use generics to convert between Haskell and PostgreSQL values:

import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
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data BasicProduct = BasicProduct {label :: Text, description :: Maybe Text}
  deriving stock (Show, GHC.Generic)
  deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
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The SOP.Generic and SOP.HasDatatypeInfo instances allow us to encode and decode BasicProducts.

How to modify data

We can execute raw statements:

cleanUp :: PQ DB DB IO ()
cleanUp =
  execute_ teardown
  teardown :: Statement db () ()
  teardown = manipulation $ UnsafeManipulation "truncate warehouse, product_category, product, category"
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Manipulation represents update, insert, and delete statements.

We can specify the schema changes by using concrete PQ; when the schema doesn't change, we can use MonadPQ constraint (e.g., cleanUp :: (MonadPQ DB m) => m ()). In the end, we’ll turn either into IO:

withConnection Hardcoded.connectionString
  $ cleanUp
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Let’s insert a product:

insertProduct :: Statement DB BasicProduct ()
insertProduct =
    $ insertInto_
      (Values_ (Default `as` #id :* Set (param @1) `as` #label :* Set (param @2) `as` #description))
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Statement is either a Manipulation or a Query that can be run in a MonadPQ.

We use manipulation and insertInto_ to construct an insert. We pass a table and what to insert. Values_ describes a single n-ary product, where we must match all the columns. We can use Default value for id and set the rest using relevant parameters.

And then, we use executePrepared_ to run a statement that returns nothing. The function prepares the statement and runs it on each element.

insertStuff :: (MonadPQ DB m) => m ()
insertStuff = do
    [ BasicProduct "Wood Screw Kit 1" (Just "245-pieces")
    , BasicProduct "Wood Screw Kit 2" Nothing
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insertInto_ is a specialized version of insertInto with OnConflictDoRaise (what to do in case of conflict) and no ReturningClause (what to return). ReturningClause returns a value based on each row; for example, we can use it to return the created id:

insertCategory :: Statement DB Category (Only Int32)
insertCategory =
    $ insertInto
      (Values_ (Default `as` #id :* Set (param @1) `as` #label))
      (Returning_ (#id `as` #fromOnly))
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Note that we have to use Only and #fromOnly, because we can’t use primitive types (because they don’t have named labels that the library relies on).

This time we have to use executePrepared, which returns a list of results:

insertStuff :: (MonadPQ DB m, MonadIO m) => m ()
insertStuff = do
  result :: [Result (Only Int32)] <-
    executePrepared insertCategory [Category "Screws", Category "Wood Screws", Category "Concrete Screws"]
  rows <- traverse getRows result
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Inserted categories: " <> show rows
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We use getRows to get all rows from a Result.

How to query data

To retrieve data, we also write Statements, this time using query and select_:

query1 :: Statement DB () BasicProduct
query1 =
    $ select_
      (#product ! #label :* #product ! #description)
      (from (table #product))
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The query returns all the products from the table.

💡 Note that we can use printSQL to print statements and see what sql queries get executed.

💡 We can’t return tuples or primitive types because they don't have named fields. You must define a new datatype and derive Squeal typeclasses to return something new.

If you try using tuples, you get an error:

The type `(Text, Text)' is not a record type.
It has no labelled fields.
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And then we execute the query:

insertStuff :: (MonadPQ DB m, MonadIO m) => m ()
insertStuff = do
  result1 <- execute query1
  rows1 <- getRows result1
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Query 1: " <> show rows1
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We can select specific fields and narrow down the results:

query2 :: Statement DB (Only Text) BasicProduct
query2 =
    $ select_
      (#product ! #label :* #product ! #description)
      (from (table #product) & where_ (#product ! #label .== (param @1)))
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We use where_ to filter the rows and .== to compare for equality.

This time, we use executeParams to pass the parameters into the statement:

queryData :: PQ DB DB IO ()
queryData = do
  result2 <- executeParams query2 (Only "Wood Screw Kit 1") >>= getRows
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Query 2: " <> show result2
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We can also use in_:

query3 tasks =
    $ select_
      (#product ! #label :* #product ! #description)
      (from (table #product) & where_ (#product ! #label `in_` tasks))
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  (result3 :: [BasicProduct]) <- execute (query3 ["Wood Screw Kit 2", "Wood Screw Kit 3"]) >>= getRows
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Query 3: " <> show result3
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How to use transactions

We can wrap computation in transactionally_:

insertWithTransaction :: PQ DB DB IO ()
insertWithTransaction =
    ( do
        result1 <- executePrepared insertProduct [BasicProduct "Drywall Screws Set" (Just "8000pcs")]
        productIds <- join <$> traverse getRows result1

        result2 <- executePrepared insertCategory [Category "Drywall Screws"]
        categoryIds <- join <$> traverse getRows result2

        case (productIds, categoryIds) of
          ([Only productId], [Only categoryId]) -> do
            executePrepared_ insertProductCategory [(productId, categoryId)]
            executePrepared_ insertListing [(productId, 10)]
          _ ->
            throwM $ userError "Failed to insert product/category"
    >> liftIO (putStrLn $ "Insert with transaction")
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In case of exception, it rollbacks the transaction and rethrows the exception.

How to query using joins

We use innerJoin and leftOuterJoin to join the tables:

query1 :: Statement DB (Only Int32) Listing
query1 =
    $ select_
      (#w ! #quantity `as` #quantity :* #p ! #label `as` #label :* #p ! #description `as` #description :* #c ! #label `as` #category)
      ( from
          ( table (#warehouse `as` #w)
              & innerJoin
                (table (#product `as` #p))
                (#w ! #product_id .== #p ! #id)
              & leftOuterJoin
                (table (#product_category `as` #pc))
                (#pc ! #product_id .== #p ! #id)
              & leftOuterJoin
                (table (#category `as` #c))
                (#c ! #id .== #pc ! #category_id)
          & where_ (#w ! #quantity .> (param @1))
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Which generates:

SELECT "w"."quantity"    AS "quantity",
       "p"."label"       AS "label",
       "p"."description" AS "description",
       "c"."label"       AS "category"
FROM   "warehouse" AS "w"
       inner join "product" AS "p"
               ON ( "w"."product_id" = "p"."id" )
       left outer join "product_category" AS "pc"
                    ON ( "pc"."product_id" = "p"."id" )
       left outer join "category" AS "c"
                    ON ( "c"."id" = "pc"."category_id" )
WHERE  ( "w"."quantity" > ( $1 :: int4 ) )
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If you forget or mistype anything, most of the time, the error messages are rarely simple.

Sometimes, they overwhelm:

_ :: NP
::: '["product" ::: 'Table (ProductConstraints :=> ProductColumns),
"category" ::: 'Table (CategoryConstraints :=> CategoryColumns),
::: 'Table (ProductCategoryConstraints :=> ProductCategoryColumns),
::: 'Table (WarehouseConstraints :=> WarehouseColumns)]]
'[ 'NotNull 'PGtext, 'Null 'PGtext]
'["description" ::: ('NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext)]
Where: from0 is an ambiguous type variable
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Sometimes, they leak:

Couldn't match type: TupleOf (TupleCodeOf Text (SOP.Code Text))
               with: null10 'PGtext : xs0
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Ambiguous type variable y0 arising from a use of manipulation
prevents the constraint (SOP.Generic y0) from being solved.
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Couldn't match type: '["description"
::: ('NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext)]
with: '[]
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Sometimes, they really leak:

Couldn't match type: records-sop-
                          y (SOP.DatatypeInfoOf y) (SOP.Code y))
                with: records-sop-
                       (SOP.Code y)
  arising from a use of manipulation
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But when it comes to runtime SQL errors, the library provides a convenient SquealException for exceptions that Squeal can throw and a nice API for working with them built on top of exceptions. For example, we can use catchSqueal:

errors :: PQ DB DB IO ()
errors = do
    `catchSqueal` (\err -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Caught Squeal/SQL Error: " <> displayException err)
  insertDuplicateScrew = executePrepared_ insertProduct [BasicProduct "Duplicate screw" Nothing]
  insertProduct =
      $ insertInto_
        (Values_ (Default `as` #id :* Set (param @1) `as` #label :* Set (param @2) `as` #description))
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The library comes with a quickstart and Core Concepts Handbook.


The library has a Migration module to change the database schema over time. They support linear, pure or impure, one-way or rewindable migrations.

In summary

Squeal is another type-safe postgres library not suitable for beginners. You should be comfortable working on the type level, reading generic-related errors, etc. The library uses generic encodings (generics-sop) of records/tuples, which keep getting into the error messages.

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