What it is
ZenStack is a Node.js/TypeScript toolkit that simplifies the development of a web app's backend. It enhances Prisma ORM with a flexible Authorization layer and auto-generated, type-safe APIs/hooks, unlocking its full potential for full-stack development.
Our goal is to let you save time writing boilerplate code and focus on building real features!
How it works
Read full documentation at 👉🏻 zenstack.dev. Join Discord for feedback and questions.
ZenStack incrementally extends Prisma's power with the following four layers:
1. ZModel - an extended Prisma schema language
ZenStack introduces a data modeling language called "ZModel" - a superset of Prisma schema language. It extended Prisma schema with custom attributes and functions and, based on that, implemented a flexible access control layer around Prisma.
// base.zmodel
abstract model Base {
id String @id
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id