Filling out PDF forms programmatically can be a useful feature in many applications. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to fill a PDF form using the pdf-lib library within a React project. The pdf-lib library provides a straightforward way to create, modify, and save PDF documents.
Before beginning, make sure you have the following installed:
Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
A text editor of your choice
Setting up the project
- Create a new React project by running the following command in your terminal:
npx create-react-app pdf-form-filler
- Change into the project directory:
cd pdf-form-filler
- Install the pdf-lib library by running the following command:
npm install pdf-lib
Loading and filling the PDF form
In this step, you’ll load the PDF form and fill it with the desired values. Open the src/App.js file in your text editor and replace its content with the following code:
import { PDFDocument } from 'pdf-lib';
const App = () => {
const fillForm = async () => {
// Step 1: Load the PDF form.
const formUrl = '';
const formPdfBytes = await fetch(formUrl).then((res) =>
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(formPdfBytes);
// Step 2: Retrieve the form fields.
const form = pdfDoc.getForm();
const nameField = form.getTextField('CharacterName 2');
const ageField = form.getTextField('Age');
const heightField = form.getTextField('Height');
const weightField = form.getTextField('Weight');
const eyesField = form.getTextField('Eyes');
const skinField = form.getTextField('Skin');
const hairField = form.getTextField('Hair');
// Step 3: Set values for the form fields.
ageField.setText('24 years');
heightField.setText(`5' 1"`);
weightField.setText('196 lbs');
// Step 4: Save the modified PDF.
const pdfBytes = await;
// Step 5: Create a `Blob` from the PDF bytes,
const blob = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
// Step 6: Create a download URL for the `Blob`.
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Step 7: Create a link element and simulate a click event to trigger the download.
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url; = 'filled_form.pdf';;
return (
<h1>PDF Form Filler</h1>
<button onClick={fillForm}>Fill Form</button>
export default App;
Let’s break down the steps involved:
Load the PDF form — You start by fetching the PDF form using its URL and loading it into a PDF document using the PDFDocument.load method.
Retrieve the form fields— Next, you get a reference to the form within the PDF document using pdfDoc.getForm(). You then retrieve individual form fields using their field names.
Set values for the form fields — After obtaining references to the form fields, you can set the desired values using the setText method provided by each form field.
Save the modified PDF — Once the form fields are filled, you save the modified PDF using to generate the updated PDF document with the filled form fields.
Create a Blob from the PDF bytes — You create a Blob object from the generated PDF bytes using the Blob constructor. The Blob represents the PDF data as a file-like object.
Create a download URL for the Blob — You create a download URL for the Blob using URL.createObjectURL. This URL allows you to download the PDF file.
Trigger the download — Finally, you create a link element (), dynamically set its href attribute to the download URL, specify the desired file name in the download attribute, and simulate a click event on the link to trigger the download of the filled PDF form.
Running the application
To run the application, execute the following command in the project directory:
npm start
Downsides of using pdf-lib
While the pdf-lib library is a powerful tool for working with PDF documents, it does have a few downsides and limitations:
Limited UI interactivity — The pdf-lib library primarily focuses on programmatic manipulation of PDF documents. It doesn’t provide built-in user interface (UI) components or interactivity for form filling. As a result, users cannot directly type into the form fields within the application’s UI; the form fields need to be programmatically filled using code, as demonstrated in the example.
Lack of real-time updates — Since the form fields are filled programmatically on the server or within the application code, there’s no real-time update or synchronization with the UI. If the user wants to see their input reflected in the filled form fields, they need to generate and download the updated PDF file.
Form filling with Nutrient
Nutrient offers comprehensive form filling capabilities, providing both a user-friendly interface and programmable options.
UI form filling — Nutrient’s prebuilt UI components allow users to easily navigate and interact with PDF forms. They can fill in text fields, select options from dropdown menus, and interact with checkboxes and radio buttons. Check out the demo to see it in action.
Programmatic form filling — Nutrient Web SDK offers versatile programmatic form filling options:
Document Engine — Easily persist, restore, and synchronize form field values across devices without building this ability yourself.
XFDF — Exchange form field data with other PDF readers and editors seamlessly.
Instant JSON — Efficiently export and import changes made to form fields.
Manual API — Have full control over extracting, saving, and manipulating form field values.
In addition, also provides an option for creating PDF forms:
PDF Form Creator — Simplify PDF form creation with a point-and-click UI. You can create PDF forms from scratch using an intuitive UI or via the API. Convert static forms into fillable forms, or modify existing forms by letting your users create, edit, and remove form fields in a PDF.
In this tutorial, you learned how to fill a PDF form in a React project using the pdf-lib library. It covered the steps required to load a PDF form, retrieve form fields, set values for the fields, save the modified PDF, and trigger the download of the filled form.
You also read about the limitations of using pdf-lib for form filling and learned how Nutrient offers a better alternative.
To learn more about Nutrient Web SDK, start your free trial. Or, launch our demo to see our viewer in action.
Here are a few frequently asked questions about form filling in React.
What is the purpose of filling a PDF form programmatically in React?
Filling a PDF form programmatically allows developers to automate the completion of documents, which can save time and reduce errors.
Which libraries are commonly used to fill PDF forms in React?
Libraries like pdf-lib and Nutrient are popular for working with PDF forms in React projects.
Can I fill PDF forms with user input in real time?
With pdf-lib, form fields are filled programmatically, so real-time input isn’t visible in the UI; you need to generate and download a PDF to see changes.
**Does Nutrient offer more advanced form filling capabilities than pdf-lib?
**Yes, Nutrient offers a more robust suite of features, including UI-based form filling and additional programmatic controls.
Is it possible to save and synchronize form data across devices?
Yes, Document Engine allows you to persist and sync form data across devices, which can be useful for collaborative workflows.
_Whenever you're ready, I'm here to help. We've specific PDF SDK solutions that could be helpful to your applications, requirements, and use-case. If PDFs are core to your apps, explore how it could fit into your workflow. (Trusted by thousands of developers in companies like Dropbox, IBM, Disney, and more), and used by ~1 billion end users in more than 150 different countries._