I think when you use the GitHub issues, probably many of you need to add/change labels. Actually, the default labels are well... not ideal. Generally, I add some new labels manually after I push the initial commit. That means I go to the issue board and add a label.
After reading the articles, I thought preparing labels that articles mentioned would be ↓
The usage of the Labels API is very simple. We just need to pass a couple of parameters and create an instance with GitHub personal token since there is a JS library “octokit” that allows us to use the API easily.
If you need a minimalistic library to utilize GitHub's REST API and GraphQL API which you can extend with plugins as needed, then @octokit/core is a great starting point.
I wrote a simple application with Nodejs and Typescript.
I used a typescript-starter to save time for setup. typescript-starter is useful, but it was a little bit too much for this since the ESlint configuration helped me to detect issues but at the same time prevent running the script quickly lol.
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npx typescript-starter
The interactive CLI will help you create and configure your project automatically.
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Write standard, future javascript – with stable ESNext features – today (stage 3 or finished features)
// label format
"id": 3218144327,
"node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwzMjE4MTQ0MzI3",
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/koji/frontend-tools/labels/wontfix",
"name": "wontfix",
"color": "ffffff",
"default": true,
"description": "This will not be worked on"
This Nodejs script will ask you 3 things initially. GitHub personal token(wont’ keep it anywhere), GitHub id, and a target repo name.
It will offer 4 simple functionalities to the repo you set.
Create a label
You will need to pass a new label name, label color(hex code without #), and label description as parameters. Then create a new label on your repo.
Create labels
This function will create 29 labels which are set as constant here
If you change the constant, you can update labels easily.
Delete a label
This function will remove a tag from your repo. It requires a label name as a parameter. (In the future, this should get labels list and allow to select a label/labels by multi-select)
Delete all labels
This will delete all labels from your repo. First, get all labels' names from the repo and pass them as a parameter. The process is the same as “Delete a label”