Spring Boot Native Images: Supercharge Your Apps in 15 Words

Aarav Joshi - Nov 19 '24 - - Dev Community

Spring Boot native images are a game-changer for creating lightning-fast applications with minimal resource usage. I've been working with this technology for a while, and I'm excited to share some advanced optimization techniques I've learned along the way.

Let's start with GraalVM native image builds. These builds compile your Java code ahead of time, resulting in a standalone executable that doesn't require a JVM to run. To get started, you'll need to add the GraalVM native image plugin to your project's build file. Here's an example for Maven:

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Once you've added the plugin, you can build your native image with the command mvn package -Pnative. This process can take a while, so grab a coffee while you wait.

One of the biggest challenges when working with native images is handling reflection and dynamic proxies. Spring Boot heavily relies on these features, which can be tricky to optimize. To help with this, you'll need to provide hints to the native image compiler about which classes and methods should be included in the image.

You can do this by creating a reflect-config.json file in your project's src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image directory. Here's an example of what this file might look like:

    "name": "com.example.MyClass",
    "allDeclaredConstructors": true,
    "allPublicConstructors": true,
    "allDeclaredMethods": true,
    "allPublicMethods": true
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This configuration tells the native image compiler to include all constructors and methods of the MyClass class in the final image.

Resource loading is another area where you can optimize your native image. By default, all resources in your classpath are included in the native image, which can bloat its size. To trim this down, you can use the resource-config.json file to specify which resources should be included:

  "resources": [
    {"pattern": "application.properties"},
    {"pattern": "static/.*"},
    {"pattern": "templates/.*"}
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This configuration includes only the application.properties file and all files in the static and templates directories.

Now, let's talk about minimizing the native image size. One effective strategy is to use custom runtime initialization. This allows you to defer some initialization tasks until runtime, reducing the amount of code that needs to be included in the native image.

To implement custom runtime initialization, you can create a class that implements the RuntimeHintsRegistrar interface:

public class MyRuntimeHintsRegistrar implements RuntimeHintsRegistrar {
    public void registerHints(RuntimeHints hints, ClassLoader classLoader) {
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Then, register this class in your main application class:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
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Careful dependency management is crucial for keeping your native image size in check. Review your dependencies regularly and remove any that aren't strictly necessary. You can use the maven-dependency-plugin to analyze your dependencies and identify any that aren't being used:

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Run this plugin with mvn dependency:analyze-only to get a report of unused and undeclared dependencies.

Now, let's dive into some more advanced topics. AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation is a powerful feature that can significantly improve your application's startup time. Spring Boot 3.0 and later versions include built-in support for AOT processing.

To enable AOT processing, add the following dependency to your project:

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Then, run your build with the native profile: mvn clean package -Pnative. This will trigger the AOT processing phase, which generates additional code to optimize your application for native image compilation.

Buildtime processing is another technique you can use to optimize your native image. This involves moving some of the work that would typically happen at runtime to the build phase. For example, you might pre-compute some values or pre-generate some resources during the build.

To implement buildtime processing, you can create a custom BuildTimeProcessor:

public class MyBuildTimeProcessor implements BuildTimeProcessor {
    public void process(BuildTimeProcessorContext context) {
        // Perform build-time processing here
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Then, register this processor in your src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories file:

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Creating custom feature implementations is an advanced technique that allows you to fine-tune how your application is compiled into a native image. A feature is a piece of code that runs during the native image build process and can modify the image generation.

To create a custom feature, implement the org.graalvm.nativeimage.Feature interface:

public class MyFeature implements Feature {
    public void beforeAnalysis(BeforeAnalysisAccess access) {
        // Perform custom logic before analysis phase

    public void duringAnalysis(DuringAnalysisAccess access) {
        // Perform custom logic during analysis phase

    // Implement other methods as needed
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Then, register your feature in the src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/native-image.properties file:

Args = --features=com.example.MyFeature
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By implementing these advanced optimization techniques, you'll be able to create Spring Boot native images that start in milliseconds and use minimal resources. This makes them ideal for cloud-native environments where quick startup times and efficient resource usage are crucial.

Remember, optimizing native images is an iterative process. You'll need to experiment with different techniques and configurations to find what works best for your specific application. Don't be afraid to profile your application and analyze its performance to identify areas for improvement.

As you work with native images, you'll likely encounter some challenges. One common issue is dealing with third-party libraries that aren't native-image friendly. In these cases, you might need to provide additional configuration or even contribute back to the library to improve its native image support.

Another area to watch out for is serialization. Native images can struggle with some forms of serialization, especially those that rely heavily on reflection. If you're using serialization in your application, you might need to provide additional hints or even rewrite some code to be more native-image friendly.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of native images are substantial. In my experience, applications that used to take several seconds to start up now boot in under 100 milliseconds. Memory usage is often reduced by 50% or more, which can lead to significant cost savings in cloud environments.

As you continue to work with Spring Boot native images, keep an eye on the evolving ecosystem. The Spring team and the broader Java community are constantly working on improving native image support and creating new tools to make the process easier.

I hope this deep exploration of Spring Boot native image optimization has given you some new ideas to try in your own projects. Remember, the key to success with native images is patience and experimentation. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts don't yield the results you're hoping for. Keep iterating, keep optimizing, and you'll soon be creating lightning-fast, resource-efficient applications that are ready for the cloud-native world.

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