Free Flutter Development Course

Adeleye Ayodeji - Jan 6 - - Dev Community

You can now be an iOS & Android developer as you are welcome to one of the best tools for developing a variety of Apps, Flutter.

Flutter is a Google SDK for building native interfaces for iOS and Android using the Dart programming language.

This is one of the most comprehensive Flutter courses available online, as we'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video lessons and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an Android and iOS developer.

What you'll learn:
✅ How to deploy your Apps to Apple Store Connect.
✅ How to deploy your Apps to the Google Play Store.
✅ Understand how to add payment gateways to your Mobile Apps.
✅ Understand how the Cart and Checkout system works in Flutter.
✅ How to use Flutter widgets and benefit from each widget the most.
✅ Become a fully-fledged Flutter developer.
✅ Learn how to retrieve database data with an API and display it on a graphical interface.
✅ Learn how to create a RESTful API from scratch, using plain PHP and MySQL.
✅ Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development.
✅ Build Android and iOS apps with just one codebase.
✅ Build beautiful, fast, and native-quality apps with Flutter.

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