Hi everyone! 👋
I’ve built a production-ready Django REST API template using cookiecutter-django, designed to tackle the challenge of finding a project that fully embraces modern best practices. My project comes with:
- 🛠️ Testing & linting: pytest, coverage (badge, gh artifacts) and more.
- 🚀 Deployments: Fully automated on DigitalOcean VPS with Docker Swarm.
- 🔒 Zero-downtime SSL: Automatic SSL certs via Traefik & ACME.
- 📦 Automated changelogs: Conventional commits + SemVer generate release notes.
- 🔄 Rolling updates & rollbacks: Managed by Docker Swarm.
- 📜 API docs: drf-spectacular auto-generates OpenAPI 3.0 docs & Swagger UI.
I’m excited to share this with the community and would love to hear your feedback. Check out the project here https://github.com/aidoskanapyanov/fuel-tracker-rest-api-django.
Happy coding!