Destructuring #React Quick Notes.

Ajay Baraiya - Sep 11 '22 - - Dev Community

Remember basic meaning.

It means choosing only desire sweets from a cakeshop.

Here is an example to remember it.

const cakeVarieties = ['Chocolate','KitKat','Mango', 'Brownie'];

const [myChoise1, myChoise2,] = cakeVarieties;

console.log(myChoise1); //Chocolate
console.log(myChoise2); //KitKat
console.log(rest); //['Mango','Brownie'] --Remember rest means other things left and which is only be declared at last position.

//Below is for #React.js

const premiumCakeVarieties = {sameNameHere1: 'Chocolate', sameNameHere2:'KitKat', sameNameHere3:{fruitCakes :['Mango','Pineaple']}, 

const {sameNameHere1, sameNameHere2, sameNameHere4, sameNameHere3 : {fruitCakes:[cake1, cake2]}} = premiumCakeVarieties; //Notice: We have same variable name no matter in which order they are they will access array property where matching name of itself.

console.log(sameNameHere1); //Chocolate
console.log(sameNameHere2); //KitKat
console.log(sameNameHere4); //Brownie
console.log(sameNameHere3); //['Mango','Pineaple']
console.log(cake1); //Mango //this follows order here as we did not have key for it
console.log(cake2); //Pineaple //this follows order here as we did not have key for it
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  1. While working with an Array we can destruct with defining array left side.
const [a, b,] = [1,2,3,4]; //here an array both sides.
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  1. While working with object we need brackets i.e. {}
const {a, b,} = obj; //here {} left side.
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We only require this basics to work around, although we can check over, which has best detail explanation and can be used when we destruct more complex object. But make all object simpler as possible.

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