React Default Export Vs Named Export? #Beginners

Ajay Baraiya - Sep 24 '22 - - Dev Community

We have our component file.
When we export it like below.

//MyFunc.js file 
const MyFunc = () => <h1>Default Export<h1/>
export default MyFunc;
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Than we can import that component with different name like belwo.

import MyChoiceOfName from "./MyFunc"
//so we can use 
<MyChoiceOfName /> //here.
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But when we don't use export default and directly export our component as below.

//NameExpo.js file 
export const NameExpo = () => <h1>Named Export<h1/>
//As we did not specify name here and so it has to take some name to export, so it will take componenet name.
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And while importing it we must need to import using it's name.\

import NameExpo from "./NameExpo" //Notice here we have both file and delcared name same i.e. NameExpo
//so we can use 
<NameExpo /> //here.
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What if you want to export multiple components from one single .js file?

It is possible using Named export.

//NameExpo.js file 
export const MyNameExpo1 = () => <h1>Named Export 1<h1/>
export const MyNameExpo2 = () => <h1>Named Export 2<h1/>
export const MyNameExpo3 = () => <h1>Named Export 3<h1/>
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And in importing

import MyNameExpo1 from "./NameExpo" 
import MyNameExpo2 from "./NameExpo" 
import MyNameExpo3 from "./NameExpo" 
//so we can use 
<MyNameExpo1 /> //here.
<MyNameExpo2 /> //here.
<MyNameExpo3 /> //here.
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