Browser driver that is used in Selenium

Akshara Chandran - May 27 - - Dev Community

Selenium WebDriver supports automation across multiple web browsers through browser-specific drivers. Each browser has its own WebDriver implementation that allows Selenium to control and interact with the browser. Here are the browser drivers commonly used with Selenium:

  1. ChromeDriver: Used for automating Google Chrome browser. ChromeDriver is provided by the Chromium project and is compatible with the latest versions of Google Chrome.

  2. GeckoDriver (Firefox): Used for automating Mozilla Firefox browser. GeckoDriver is provided by the Mozilla project and is compatible with the latest versions of Firefox.

  3. Microsoft Edge Driver (Edge): Used for automating Microsoft Edge browser. Edge Driver is provided by Microsoft and supports the latest versions of Microsoft Edge.

  4. SafariDriver (Safari): Used for automating Safari browser on macOS. SafariDriver is included with Safari browser on macOS and can be enabled through Safari's Developer menu.

  5. OperaDriver (Opera): Used for automating Opera browser. OperaDriver is provided by the Opera project and supports the latest versions of Opera browser.

  6. InternetExplorerDriver (IE): Used for automating Internet Explorer browser. InternetExplorerDriver is provided by the Selenium project and supports older versions of Internet Explorer.

  7. Edge ChromiumDriver: Used for automating the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser. Edge ChromiumDriver is provided by Microsoft and supports the latest versions of Chromium-based Microsoft Edge.

  8. PhantomJSDriver: Used for headless testing. PhantomJSDriver allows Selenium to interact with web pages without opening a browser window. Note that PhantomJS is deprecated and not recommended for use in production environments.

These browser drivers are necessary for Selenium WebDriver to communicate with the respective web browsers and control their behavior during test automation. They provide a bridge between Selenium scripts and the browser's native automation APIs, allowing testers to simulate user interactions and validate application behavior across different browsers and platforms.

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