Stages Of STLC

Akshara Chandran - Apr 22 - - Dev Community

STLC stands for Software Testing Life Cycle. It is a systematic process for testing software in order to ensure its quality and reliability. STLC encompasses various stages, each with its own objectives and activities, to systematically plan, design, execute, and report on software testing efforts. Here are the stages of STLC:

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Requirement Analysis:
In this stage, testers analyze the requirements documents to understand the functionality, features, and expectations of the software.
Testers identify testable requirements and ensure they are clear, complete, and unambiguous.
Any inconsistencies or gaps in the requirements are communicated to stakeholders for clarification and resolution.

Test Planning:
Test planning involves creating a detailed test plan that outlines the approach, scope, resources, and schedule for testing.
Testers define testing objectives, strategies, methodologies, and entry/exit criteria.
Test planning also includes identifying test cases, test data, and testing environments required for the execution phase.

Test Case Development:
In this stage, test cases are developed based on the requirements and design documents.
Testers create test scenarios, test conditions, and test cases to validate the functionality of the software.
Test cases are designed to cover both positive and negative scenarios, edge cases, and boundary conditions.

Test Environment Setup:
Test environment setup involves configuring the necessary hardware, software, and network infrastructure required for testing.
Testers ensure that the test environment mirrors the production environment as closely as possible to simulate real-world conditions.
Any dependencies or third-party integrations required for testing are set up and validated.

Test Execution:
In this stage, test cases are executed based on the test plan and schedule.
Testers execute test cases manually or using automated testing tools.
Test results are recorded, including any defects or issues encountered during testing.
Testers may also perform regression testing to ensure that new changes do not adversely affect existing functionality.

Test Closure:
Test closure marks the end of the testing phase.
Testers review the testing activities against the test plan and objectives to ensure completeness.
Any remaining open defects are evaluated, and decisions are made regarding their disposition.
Test closure documentation is prepared, including lessons learned and recommendations for future improvements.
By following the STLC, organizations can systematically ensure the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of their software products, ultimately delivering value to their stakeholders.

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