Understanding PUT vs PATCH: Key Differences and Use Cases

Anh Trần Tuấn - Sep 2 - - Dev Community

1. Overview of PUT and PATCH

The PUT and PATCH methods are HTTP verbs used for updating resources on a server. However, their usage and semantics differ significantly.

1.1 PUT Method

The PUT method is designed to update or replace an entire resource at a specific URI. When using PUT, the client sends a complete representation of the resource to the server, which then replaces the current resource with the new one.

Example: Updating a User Profile with PUT

Suppose you have a REST API for managing user profiles, and you want to update the entire profile of a user with ID 123.

PUT /users/123
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "john.doe@example.com",
  "age": 30
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In this example, the entire user profile is replaced with the new data provided. If the name , email , or age fields were missing from the request, they would be set to null or removed from the resource.

1.2 PATCH Method

The PATCH method is used to make partial updates to a resource. Instead of sending a complete representation, the client sends only the changes to be applied. This makes PATCH more efficient for updating specific fields without affecting the entire resource.

Example: Updating a User Email with PATCH

Continuing with the same user profile example, if you only want to update the user's email, you would use PATCH.

PATCH /users/123
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "new.email@example.com"
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Here, only the email field is updated, while other fields remain unchanged.

2. PUT vs PATCH: Key Differences

Understanding the differences between PUT and PATCH is essential for using these methods correctly.

2.1 Idempotency

  • PUT : PUT is idempotent, meaning that multiple identical requests will produce the same result. If you send the same PUT request multiple times, the resource will be updated to the same state with each request.
  • PATCH : PATCH is not necessarily idempotent. Applying the same PATCH request multiple times might result in different states, especially if the PATCH operation is cumulative.

2.2 Payload Requirements

  • PUT : Requires the full resource representation. The client must send the entire updated resource, even if only a small part of it changes.
  • PATCH : Requires only the changes or partial updates. The client sends just the fields that need to be updated, making it more efficient for partial modifications.

2.3 Use Cases

  • PUT : Best used when the client knows the complete resource state and wants to replace the existing resource with a new version.
  • PATCH : Ideal for scenarios where only a few fields need to be updated, and the client does not have or does not want to send the entire resource representation.

3. Practical Considerations

When choosing between PUT and PATCH, consider the following factors to make the right decision for your API design.

3.1 Performance

  • PUT : May be less efficient for large resources as it requires sending the entire resource even for small updates.
  • PATCH : More efficient for partial updates, reducing the amount of data sent over the network and processing on the server.

3.2 Complexity

  • PUT : Simpler to implement since it replaces the entire resource, and there's no need to handle partial updates.
  • PATCH : Can be more complex as it involves merging changes with the existing resource, which requires careful handling of the request payload.

4. Conclusion

Both PUT and PATCH methods have their distinct advantages and use cases. PUT is best suited for complete resource replacements, while PATCH is ideal for partial updates. Understanding these differences helps in designing more efficient and maintainable APIs.

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Read posts more at : Understanding PUT vs PATCH: Key Differences and Use Cases

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