So I saw this hackathon for a while and wanted to participate, mainly because I needed an excuse to get started with reddis, the issue now was what to build.
I spent some time trying to figure that out but nothing came to mind...until sometime this week I was helping a friend with a project where he needed to get placeholder images for a real estate app.
In doing that, I realised that my goto site lorem picsum didn't have a way to sort images by categories...and thus pic placeholder was born.
The idea was to build a service that primarily allows the fetching of easy-to-use and stylish placeholders 😉 while allowing some filtering for specific use cases. Currently, a simple UI exists, here's a link: https://picc.vercel.app/
💭 What's next??
In the subsequent post(s), I'll go over the building of the API and submission of the project. Stay tuned for more 👍