How to create a Storage Account For a Public Website in Microsoft Azure

ATony07 - Jun 4 - - Dev Community

Skilling tasks
• Create a storage account.
• Configure basic settings for security and networking.
Follow these steps below;
Step:1: Create a Resource group or make use of an existing Resource group.
An existing Resource group was used here.
Step:2: In the Azure portal, search for and select Storage accounts

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Step:3: Select Create

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Step:4: On the Basics tab, select your Resource group, Provide a Storage account name. The storage account name must be unique in Azure, Set the Performance to Standard and select Review, and then Create.

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Step:5: Select Create

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Step:6: Wait for Deployment is in progress

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Step:7: Deployment is complete and go to resource

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Step:8: In your storage account, in the Data management section, select the Redundancy blade

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Step:9: Select Locally-redundant storage (LRS) in the Redundancy drop-down and select Save

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Step:10: In the Settings section, select the Configuration blade.

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Step:11: Ensure Secure transfer required is Enabled. Ensure the Minimal TLS version is set to Version 1.2, Allow storage account key access is Disabled and click Save

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Step:12: In the Security + networking section, select the Networking blade.

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Step:13: Ensure Public network access is set to Enabled from all networks and Save.

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