How to create a Windows Virtual Machine using a QuickStart Templates

ATony07 - May 23 - - Dev Community

Azure QuickStart Templates are pre-configured templates provided by Microsoft and the community to facilitate the deployment of various Azure resources and solutions quickly and easily. These templates are built using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. It is the fastest or shortest time to create an app on Azure.
Benefits of Using QuickStart Templates
• Timesaving: Quickly deploy complex solutions without having to configure each component manually.
• Reliability: Deployments are consistent and reliable, following best practices.
• Ease of Use: Suitable for both beginners and experienced users, providing a straightforward way to deploy Azure resources.
• Scalability: Easily scalable configurations that can be adjusted to meet changing requirements.
How to use a QuickStart Template
Step:1: Log on to your Microsoft Azure account
Step:2: Search the keywords “Deploy a custom template”

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Step: 3: Select any common template you want to create and in this case I selected create a windows virtual machine

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Step: 4: Choose a resource group, username and password of your choice

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Step:5: Select Review+create. Ensure you wait to validate.

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Step: 6: Deployment is complete and select “Go to resource group”

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Step:7: The name of the virtual machine created is Simple-vm

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