My Learning Experience with Postman API

badmuseniola - Dec 8 '23 - - Dev Community

POSTMAN UNLEASHED: A Journey Through APIs and SDKs Mastery.

_I learned about APIs and many other things during an event organized by
Bamidele Shredrack Sunday.

I learned about Postman and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), understanding how it works with Postman and serves as an intermediary between the client side and the server side. It also explained its relation to both frontend and backend. By Abdulkabir Sultan.

I also learned how to create an API and run it with Postman, including the process of creating a request, setting a method to post, inputting API endpoints, and sending sample data to test API functionality on Postman. By Prophet Bestman.

I also learnt about Blockchain and its integration with Postman. This included setting up a blockchain network using Ethereum, configuring nodes and smart contracts, using Postman for HTTP requests like configuring requests, querying blockchain data, sending transactions, and setting up authorization and headers for proper communication with blockchain nodes in Postman. By Abdul Samad Otaiki.

Further, I delved into Web3 analysis and its connection with Postman, understanding its workings. Web3 involves interaction with decentralized apps and blockchain networks. I explored using Postman to test decentralized identity systems and authentication mechanisms in web3 applications.

I also gained insights into SDKs (Software Development Kits) and how they work with Postman. I learned how to use and create SDKs with KONFIG and connect them to Postman. SDKs often come with Postman collections, pre-configured sets of API requests, serving as valuable companion tools for developers working with SDKs. By Nengak Wisdom.

API testing using Postman was another valuable lesson. It involves validating the functionality, performance
, and security of APIs. I also learned how to run tests on APIs using Postman. By Jerry Igbedion.

Lastly, I delved into understanding the types of APIs and their maturity levels. This knowledge helped to know how to design APIs for specific cases and ensuring effective communication between software components. By Abdul Malik._

#PostmanUnleased #APIs101 #PostmanStudentExpert
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