Django 3…2…1… Takeoff! Series (Beginner Friendly)- Overview

balt1794 - Sep 10 '20 - - Dev Community

The video above shows the overview of what we are going to be building in this series.

Full disclaimer:

I wrote the book called:

Django 3…2…1…Takeoff!: Quick Guide to Learning Django 3 Web Development

This series will be composed of most but not all the chapters from my book. If you would like to build a website like the one in the video, style it using Bootstrap, learn to use Amazon Web Services (AWS RDS and S3 buckets), and deploy the website on Heroku without waiting for the whole series to be posted, you can get the book and start building or you can follow along with the tutorials.

Regardless of any way you choose to follow along, welcome and happy programming.

Table of Contents: (Bolded chapters and their subsections will be covered in this series)

Chapter 1 : Django Web App Setup

  • Visual Studio and Packages Installation
  • Listings App
  • Database Setup
  • Static and Media Files Setup
  • Linter Setup (Optional)
  • Django Simple Web App

Chapter 2: Django Basics

  • Django MVC Pattern
  • Django Admin Site
  • Listings Model

Chapter 3: Homepage

Chapter 4: Listings Page

  • Database Queries

Chapter 5: New Listing Page

Chapter 6: Navbar

Chapter 7: Detail Listing Page

Chapter 8: My Listings Page

Chapter 9: Edit Listing Page

Chapter 10: Delete Listing Page

Chapter 11: Users App

  • Login Page

Chapter 12: Register Page

Chapter 13: Foreign Key

Chapter 14: Images

Chapter 15: Django Filters

Chapter 16: Styling with Bootstrap (Part I)

Chapter 17: Styling with Bootstrap (Part II)

  • Django Crispy Forms

Chapter 18: AWS — Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • Amazon RDS Creation
  • Connecting to Amazon RDS

Chapter 19: Amazon S3 Buckets

  • Amazon S3 Bucket Creation

Chapter 20: Heroku Deployment

I will be putting out articles/tutorials often. You can follow me on my personal website too:


On my website, you can also find a post about why I decided to write Django 3…2…1…Takeoff!.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section.

If you would like to show your support, you can find the book below.

Django 3…2…1…Takeoff!: Quick Guide to Learning Django 3 Web Development - Kindle

Django 3…2…1…Takeoff!: Quick Guide to Learning Django 3 Web Development - Paperback

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