Full Stack is not for beginners!

bingecoder89 - May 10 - - Dev Community

Before we discuss anything.....
Let me tell you what Full Stack Development is...

In simple language, Full Stack Development is the whole combination of Frontend + Backend, in other way you can say Client side + Server side PROGRAMMING!

So I said Full Stack Development is not for BEGINNERS...


The simplest reason is that you're not eligible to become one.


  • You don't have any core fundamentals laid out.

  • You don't have any real working experience. And companies don't hire junior Full Stack Developer. (IF THEY HIRE THEN YOU MUST KNOW THAT THE CANDIDATE POSSESS TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF SKILL).

  • There are multiple things to handle beside just Frontend and Backend.

  • You have to learn and practice a ton of things to be able to get a job which will cost your time and mental health too if you're a beginner.


  • Focus on the fundamentals (HTML, CSS & JS) first.

  • Go in Frontend Development. (Companies don't let you handle server side as a beginner).

  • Build small projects. (Check out Frontend Mentor website for challenges).

  • Learn in public. Share what you're learning and building with Twitter, LinkedIn and GitHub.

  • Host your projects with GitHub Pages. Other alternatives are Vercel, Netlify.

  • (OPTIONAL) You can write blogs on any tech related topics. Best platform are dev.to and hashnode.


  • Relax;
  • Take your time;
  • Learn, practice and get a job;


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