[Halp!] How do you take notes?

Boris Quiroz - Oct 5 '19 - - Dev Community

Notes are important, as brain is not able to retain all the information. In particular technical notes, as they can help us to avoid making the same mistake twice. Or three times.

Typically, I use a regular Castelli/Moleskinke/Other (any other on sale) regular note taking notebook using an old-school tool called pen. But this proven method is not fulfilling all my needs, which are:

  • Notes must be clear (this is on my side, and solved pretty well so far)
  • Notes must be searchable

And that's where the downside of old-school method appears: There's no efficient way to search for something in a 80 pages note taking notebook. The good thing about using pen and paper is that notes seems to be stored clearly in my brain, but not bullet proof.

I've also tested digital method: I wrote a small python app that, by using tags and/or date, I can search for notes I've taken, and I've been using it for the last couple of months. The problem with this is that I use the search option more often as information is not so well retained in my brain. Maybe I just need some training?

What do you use? How do you take notes? Do you see any disadvantages in your method?

Any help or comments are welcome.

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