📌 Build your producer/consumer model with Terraform modules and templates

tarak-brainboard - Nov 20 '23 - - Dev Community

Join us in this webinar to discover how you can create your own producer - consumer workflow where those who traditionally don't create, maintain & worry about the IaC & Terraform, can be autonomous to deploy & destroy their own cloud infrastructure stack.

The most important part, is how to make this process secure, controllable and respect your standards and best practices.

You’ll learn how to build:
❶ Scalable architectures with Terraform vanilla resource and also modules then templatize it all.
❷ Multi-environments strategy for any cloud infrastructure.
❸ Control & approval mechanisms through CI/CD and drift detection. How to shorten the feedback loop.

We are excited to meet you again around pure technical discussion & learning.

Join us on November 28th!
EDT: 12 pm—1 pm 🇺🇸
CET: 18:00–19:00 🇪🇺
IST: 22:30–23:30 🇮🇳

Here's the link: https://www.linkedin.com/events/buildyourproducer-consumermodel7130503416107134977/about/

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