Mastering Azure Infrastructure Monitoring with Linux Web App

Mike Tyson of the Cloud - Jan 10 - - Dev Community


In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud services, effective monitoring is crucial. Azure provides a robust solution for this through Azure Monitor, Application Insights, and Log Analytics, especially when integrated with Linux Web App for Azure infrastructure monitoring. This combination offers an extensive monitoring framework, crucial for understanding and optimizing the performance and health of Azure resources.

Comprehensive Monitoring with Azure Services:

Azure Monitor, Application Insights, and Log Analytics form a cohesive monitoring ecosystem.
This setup allows for detailed collection, analysis, and response to telemetry from both Azure resources and applications.
The integration facilitates a holistic view of infrastructure performance and application health.

Architecture Overview:

Linux Web App cloud architecture

Resource Group (RG): Simplifies the overall management, deployment, and monitoring of cloud resources.
Virtual Network (VNet): A private Azure network facilitating secure communication between Azure services and the internet.
Subnets: Enhance security and management by segmenting the VNet.
Azure Monitor: Centralizes monitoring of Azure resources and applications by collecting and analyzing metrics and logs.
Linux Web App: Runs on Linux VMs within Azure App Service, offering a managed platform for web applications.
Application Insights: Gathers application performance metrics, logs, and telemetry, supporting global availability testing.
Storage Account: Provides scalable cloud storage solutions for diverse data and workloads.
MariaDB Server and Database: Managed database services within Azure hosting application data.
Azure App Service: Offers built-in monitoring for resource usage, app metrics, diagnostic logging, and alerting.
Log Analytics: Integrates with Application Insights and other Azure resources, providing advanced data correlation and a powerful query interface.

Optimizing Deployment and Communication:

Web application cicd pipeline

Utilizing templates allows easy replication and customization of this monitoring architecture.'s native CI/CD engine can assess the architecture's security and cost implications before deployment.
Visual representations of the architecture aid in clear communication with colleagues, even for those less versed in Terraform.


Azure's monitoring tools, combined with Linux Web App, provide an indispensable solution for tracking and optimizing the performance of Azure infrastructure. For detailed information and deployment options, visit

Web application architecture readme

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