Stop console.log(). There are better ways!

OpenSource - Jul 10 - - Dev Community

Hey devs! We all love console.log(), but there are other ways to debug in JavaScript. Let's level up!

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Use this for general info messages."Here's some info");
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Note: Mostly interchangeable with console.log(). So why use it? Let's say your company is hiring and want to call attention of devs. You can use Then, if you use automation to clean up the console.logs to avoid putting them in production, you can leave the intact.

This is how it looks on Chrome.
Console info

Exactly the same as log.
Console log

But in some versions or other browsers the message may receive special formatting, such as a small "i" icon next to it. (Mozilla).

2. console.debug()

Perfect for detailed debugging.

console.debug("Debugging details here");
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This is how it looks on Chrome. Note that you'll only see it if you choose "All levels" of console log:

Console debug

Note: Since you can choose which ones to show in the level dropdown in your console tab, it's useful to have details as console.debug() instead of console.log(). Then you can show them only when you need them.

3. console.warn()

Highlight warnings.

console.warn("This is a warning!");
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This is how it looks on Chrome:

Console warn

Note: Calls a bunch of attention. Use it only when needed. Say there's a condition that you expect being true but shouldn't break if it isn't. You can use console.warn() to let you inspect it further.

4. console.error()

For errors and issues.

console.error("Something went wrong!");
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This is how it looks on Chrome:

Console error

Note: If warn calls a bunch of attention, error calls two bunches. Avoid it, except when absolutely needed. Perfect for try { //something } catch (error) { console.error(error) }.

5. console.table()

Display data in a table format.

console.table([{ name: "Alice", age: 30 }, { name: "Bob", age: 25 }]);
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How it looks on Chrome:

Console table

Or with an Object instead of an Array:

Console table

Note: This is one of my favorites. I like using it to debug all the variables I passed to a function. E.g. console.table(props).


Organize your logs."User Data");
console.log("User: Alice");
console.log("Age: 30");
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How it looks on Chrome:

Console group

⭐ Bonus: console.groupCollapsible()

console.groupCollapsed("User Data");
console.log("User: Alice");
console.log("Age: 30");
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How it looks on Chrome:

Console group collapsed

Note: Isn't it elegant?

7. console.time()

Measure execution time.

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How it looks on Chrome:

Console time

Note: Super useful.

Stop spamming console.log() and start using these powerful methods to debug smarter!

Happy codingdebugging! 🚀

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