A Guide to Self-Care Twitter Bots

Carolyn Stransky - Nov 29 '19 - - Dev Community


Twitter bots have gained traction lately as a way to integrate self-care reminders into your feed. Not only that, but you can also enable notifications and receive a friendly nudge each time they post.

But the thing is, every bot has its own personality. For instance, some are gentle and nurturing, while others literally shout at you in all caps. So you have to find one (or two or three) that are right for you.

That's why I've compiled a list of Twitter bots devoted to self-care. For each bot, I'll cover its background, style, tweet frequency and favorite topics.

The Bot Breakdown

in alphabetical order


A bot that describes itself as a self-care clock, 5-Minute Self-Care checks in every couple of hours to make sure you've taken a break. Then it gives you ideas for what you can accomplish in 5 minutes, such as tidying your desk.

"If you can take just 5 minutes to do something for yourself, you will have taken a step in the right direction."

Tweet frequency: Every 3 hours
Personality in 2 words: Timely, forgiving
Topic(s): Taking breaks, small actions
Created by: Kate Gray


Aloe is a self-care companion app that will soon be available on iOS. In the meantime, the team has built a bot to foster a community and send gentle self-care reminders throughout the day. They even have a virtual garden that you can nourish through emojis and receive something in return.

If you’re ever feeling down, send them a 🌹 rose emoji.

Tweet frequency: All the time — not recommended for notifications
Personality in 2 words: Encouraging, community-oriented
Topic(s): Small actions, self-reflection, enjoying nature
Created by: Amber Discko and Stefan Hayden


A bot that checks in on you every hour, most often in the form of a question. While check_o_tron is just a bot, it knows that humans need to pay attention to their bodies and focuses on topics like muscle tension and body temperature. Sometimes will refer to you as “bio-friend” or “meat-friend”.

Check_o_tron’s reminders are also available through notifications.

Tweet frequency: Hourly
Personality in 2 words: Caring, sensible
Topic(s): Posture, breathing, hygiene, checking your feelings
Created by: Nora Reed


I’ll admit, this one can be a little intimidating at first. Who wants someone shouting at them in all caps? But soon you realize that DOTHINGSBOT is just really invested in encouraging you to get things done.

As its bio says: “Sometimes if you are having a hard time doing things it helps to have a robot tell you to do a small thing first.”

Tweet frequency: Hourly
Personality in 2 words: Enthusiastic, practical
Topic(s): Small actions, changing focus, short exercises
Created by: Aria Burrell and Nora Reed


A resource designed by mental health activist Emily Reynolds for thoughtful but practical self-care reminders. Unlike other bots, everydaycarebot focuses on small, manageable tasks you can achieve in just a couple of minutes.

Reynolds believes that while one small action isn’t going to suddenly make you well, it can be a positive first step.

Tweet frequency: Every 6 hours
Personality in 2 words: British, pragmatic
Topic(s): The entire list is available on the everydaycarebot website
Created by: Emily Reynolds


As the name suggests, Game Dev Self Care was created by game developers, for game developers. It offers soft, practical nudges — like thinking about your abandoned side projects before starting new ones.

While the tips and reminders are targeted at those in the gaming industry, most are relevant to anyone working at a computer all day.

Tweet frequency: Every 3 hours
Personality in 2 words: Kind, nerdy (in the best way!)
Topic(s): Surviving the workplace, creativity, good engineering practices
Created by: Ebeth


Medbot’s description says that it is “reminders to take your medications from a robot that swallowed a thesaurus” and that’s pretty accurate. This bot will often use words and phrases like prithee, your majesty and thine medications.

Regardless of the words, the message is always the same: Take your medicine.

Tweet frequency: Hourly
Personality in 2 words: Shakespearean, enlightened
Topic(s): Medication
Created by: Nora Reed


This sweet bot is showered with hearts and reminds you to be kind to yourself during the day. Whether it’s taking 10 deep breaths or walking to the kitchen for a coffee, taking a break is strongly encouraged.

You are more than your output and pls_take_breaks is here to let you know that productivity is a capitalist lie.

Tweet frequency: Every 3 hours
Personality in 2 words: Loving, supportive
Topic(s): Taking breaks, defying capitalism, small actions
Created by: sui sea


With 💕 breathe 💕 as its display name, this bot is always a two-in-one reminder. Its advice runs deep and nourishes the soul — from “you are stronger than you think” to “I hope you’re not being too hard on yourself.”

Fun fact: pls_take_care was one of the first self-care bots ever!

Tweet frequency: Every 3 hours
Personality in 2 words: Philosophical, tender
Topic(s): Self-esteem, confidence boosts, feelings
Created by: sui sea


An hourly reminder to look after yourself, which makes selfcare_bot perfect for enabling notifications. It covers a range of subjects, from the practical prompt to brush your teeth to endorsements: “Hey! Life is tough, but so are you! 💪”

This bot was originally built for Self Care Jam 2016, an event that prompts creators to “make stuff that makes you happy.”

Tweet frequency: Hourly
Personality in 2 words: Positive, affirming
Topic(s): Checking in, self-esteem, treating yourself
Created by: Alayna Cole via Horned Llama Studio


Selfcare.tech is a repository of self-care resources specifically for developers and others working in the tech industry — and this is the bot version. It reminds you to pause and take care of yourself, with easy access to a guide of resources.

More-so than others on this list, selfcare_tech prompts you to unplug through tweets like “Pause. What’s the weather like? Don’t use an app to find out.”

Tweet frequency: Every 12 hours
Personality in 2 words: Calm, pragmatic
Topic(s): Taking breaks, quotes, small actions
Created by: Jennifer Parsons


While not exactly a self-care bot, theyareaboutyou aka Pleasant Subtweets will definitely add a dose of positivity to your Twitter feed. Plus there are regularly self-care tips sprinkled in — for example, practice saying kind things more.

"If you want them to be about you, then they are. 💕"

Tweet frequency: Every 3 hours
Personality in 2 words: Sentimental, pleasant (as promised)
Topic(s): Compliments, encouragement, asking for help
Created by: Kate Gray


A crowd favorite with over 100,000 followers, tinycarebot gives you a gentle note plus a perfect accompanying emoji every hour. Not to mention that each tweet has the word “please” in it for an extra dose of compassion.

If you need a personal reminder, you can just tweet at it.

Tweet frequency: Hourly
Personality in 2 words: Sympathetic, understanding
Topic(s): Resting your eyes, breathing, other small actions
Created by: Jonny Sun


Heavy on both encouragement and emojis, virtuosobot acts as your own little cheering squad. This bot is best recommended for anyone who feels they are fighting imposter syndrome because it reminds you that your knowledge is valuable.

You can also @- message for personal encouragement or suggest sayings using this form.

Tweet frequency: Every 6 hours
Personality in 2 words: Hopeful, cheery
Topic(s): Work-related encouragement, tackling common imposter syndrome thoughts
Created by: Leigh Honeywell


Yayfrens Bot covers the entire spectrum of self-confidence, making it the perfect campaign no matter what you’re going through. When you’re feeling good, this bot will encourage you to build grand dreams because "we’re at our best when we aim high." Then later, it will remind you that it’s ok to feel sad sometimes.

Filled with so much love, Yayfrens Bot even responds when you retweet one of its tweets.

Tweet frequency: Hourly
Personality in 2 words: Affectionate, familiar
Topic(s): Checking in, goal setting, asking for help
Created by: Carolyn VanEseltine and Caelyn Sandel with help from Dani Church


A bot for anyone going through a hard time. yr_life_matters was created specifically for people who are having suicidal thoughts or coping with depression so its feed provides a nice balance of uplifting comments and reminders to reach out if you need help.

From the yr_life_matters bio: “we need & want you here” 💙

Tweet frequency: Every 3 hours
Personality in 2 words: Supportive, nurturing
Topic(s): Asking for help, personal encouragement
Created by: sui sea

Missing a bot?

If you noticed a bot missing from this list, comment here or tweet at me and I'll add it as soon as possible.


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