Little PRs make the mighty refactor

Chinmay Purav - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

Need of the hour

Refactoring is a crucial part of software development. It involves altering the structure of the code without changing its functionality. However, it's a process that can be fraught with risk if not carefully and thoroughly reviewed. This risk becomes exacerbated when automated tests, which serve as a safety net, ensuring that the code being modified still functions as expected, are not present.

Common problems

A common pitfall that developers often fall into when undertaking a refactor is the temptation to tackle everything at once. This usually results in a large and unwieldy pull request, which can be quite daunting for anyone tasked with reviewing it. The larger the pull request, the greater the risk of crucial details being missed, errors being overlooked, and the process becoming excessively time-consuming.


A far more effective and efficient strategy is to break down the refactor into smaller, more manageable parts or segments. This approach not only simplifies the task at hand but also makes the review process a lot easier and far less prone to error. It's a simple matter of comparison; reviewing 10 files is significantly simpler and less time-consuming than reviewing 100 files. The smaller the task, the more attention to detail can be provided, leading to a more thorough and accurate review process.

The real life matrix

Let's delve into the practicalities of the refactoring process. Suppose you're working on a project and you create a branch off from your main branch, naming it refactor-1. However, refactor-1 isn't merged yet. But you have more work to do on the refactor, so what do you do? You create another branch off from refactor-1, naming it refactor-2, and you continue working there.

Sailing on 2 ships

But what happens if you need to make changes to refactor-1? Perhaps there was an oversight in the initial refactor, or maybe new information has come to light that requires alterations to the code in refactor-1. In this situation, you would make the necessary changes to refactor-1, and then rebase refactor-2 with refactor-1. This process ensures that refactor-2 remains up-to-date with any changes made in refactor-1, maintaining code integrity and consistency throughout the refactor.

The Essence

In conclusion, when undertaking a refactor, it's paramount to remember the importance of thorough review, the advantages of breaking down the task into smaller parts, and the necessity of maintaining code consistency when branching and rebasing. These practices lead to a smoother, more efficient refactoring process, minimizing risk and maximizing code quality.
