Automate binary execution at Startup with BASH

Christian Paez - May 22 - - Dev Community

Automating the startup of frequently used binaries can save time and streamline your workflow. This blog post introduces a simple Bash script that adds specified binaries to a function that executes them every time you start your computer.

Benefits of Automating Program Execution at Startup:

  1. Efficiency: Automating the startup of commonly used programs reduces manual steps and ensures your environment is ready with minimal effort.
  2. Consistency: Ensures that necessary programs and scripts are always running without the need to remember and manually start them each time.
  3. Productivity: Frees up mental bandwidth, allowing you to focus on your tasks rather than setting up your environment every time you boot your computer.
  4. Learning: Writing and modifying Bash scripts enhances your scripting skills and deepens your understanding of system startup processes.

The Script:

Our Bash script automates the process of executing binaries when our system starts, we made a function that takes a list of binaries and executes them, this will be added to your .bashrc file:

function startup() {

    check_binary() {
        local binary=$1
        if [ -x "$binary" ]; then
            echo "Found binary: $binary, executing..."
            "$binary" & disown
            echo "Binary not found or not executable: $binary"

    for binary in "${BINARIES[@]}"; do
        check_binary "$binary"

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Instructions for Using the Script:

After you boot up your system, just type the function name in a terminal:

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You can also execute a gist that adds the function automatically to your .bashrc file, you can then modify the BINARIES and use the function on system boot up:

curl -L | bash
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