Web 1.0 vs 2.0 vs 3.0.

Christian Paez - Aug 13 '22 - - Dev Community

When talking about Web standards, usually the different Web generations are brought up, what do they actually mean?, most of us are used to browsing on the web and using websites, but we do not understand these terms; let's see some basic definitions.

Web 1.0.

Web 1.0 sites were important because they were the first generation  of the World Wide Web, and they paved the way for the development of  subsequent generations of the Internet. This era of the World Wide Web was defined by static HTML pages that were  manually created and updated. Some problems with the firsts websites  include the fact that sites were static and required manual updates,  which made it difficult to keep content fresh. Additionally, because  HTML was the only language used to create Web 1.0 sites, they were not  very interactive or user-friendly. Some Web 1.0 examples include Geocities, Tripod, and Angelfire.

Web 2.0.

We can say that for a long time, we have been immersed deeply into  the second generation of the web. Web 2.0. This generation was defined  by dynamic web applications that were powered by databases. Compared to  the Web 1.0 sites, these new sites were different because they allowed  for dynamic content that could be updated in real-time. Some problems that came up at first included the fact that many sites were  reliant on Flash, which made them inaccessible for mobile devices; later  HTML5 and JavaScript were heavily adopted but some compatibility issues  between browsers and devices remained. Additionally, because Web 2.0  sites were powered by databases, they were often complex and difficult  to use. Some Web 2.0 examples include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Web 3.0.

There  is no precise definition for this since this generation is in its early  stages but it's generally said that new applications will be more  decentralized and reliant on blockchain technologies, thus giving users  more control over their data and removing central authorities that can  take advantage of data users provide and or regulate information users consume. Some of the issues encountered in this generation of websites have been lack of standards, lack of adoption, and general complexity. Web 3.0 Examples include IPFS, Smart Contracts and Cryptocurrencies.

We need to care about web standards because they help ensure that the web is accessible to everyone, regardless of their device or browser. Additionally, web standards help make the web more efficient and easier to use. We hope that this post can give you a general idea of the different eras of the modern Web.
Check out this post in Art Of Code: https://artofcode.tech/web-1-0-vs-2-0-vs-3-0/
Image credit: Denny Müller on Unplash.

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