The Future of Game Development (No Engine!?)

Programming with Shahan - Aug 30 - - Dev Community

You don't need to wait for a game developer to design the levels, characters, or actions. 🙎‍♂️

Instead, the game makes itself as you play!

This might sound like science fiction, but it's becoming a reality no thanks to a new goddam technology developed by Google. 🙍‍♂️

This new game engine, called "Game and Gen," uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create game worlds on the fly. 🥏

You DON'T need any traditional coding to make a level or design a character—everything is done by the AI.

This engine was inspired by the 1993 classic game "Doom," which was revolutionary for its time.

1993 classic game Doom

But "Game and Gen" takes things to a whole new level by using advanced techniques like STABLE DIFFUSION and REINFORCEMENT learning.

What is "Game and Gen"?

"Game and Gen" is a type of game engine, which is the software that runs a video game.

Image of What is

Traditional game engines require developers to write LOTS of code to create the game's world, characters, and rules.

But with "Game and Gen," the AI does all the work. 🤖

It uses something called STABLE DIFFUSION to generate the environment and a reinforcement learning agent to control the game’s actions and reactions.

This technology allows the game to SIMULATE real-time gameplay at 20 frames per second.

This means that the game can create and display 20 images per second, which is fast enough to make the game look smooth and realistic.

The AI handles everything, from the graphics you see on the screen to the way characters move and interact with the environment.

The Inspiration from "Doom"

The creators of "Game and Gen" were inspired by "Doom," a game that changed the world of video gaming in 1993.

"Doom" was one of the first games to use 3D graphics, and it became hugely popular because it was SO immersive and exciting.

John Carmack, one of the developers of "Doom," is now working on artificial general intelligence, which is a type of AI that can learn and think like a human.

Image of John Carmack, one of the developers of Doom

This connection shows how far we've come in game development, from simple 2D sprites to advanced AI-driven engines like "Game and Gen."

How Does It Work?

The AI in "Game and Gen" uses something called stable diffusion.

This is a process that allows the AI to create detailed and realistic environments by spreading out small bits of information across the game world. 🕹️

The reinforcement learning agent is another key part of the technology.

This AI learns by doing. It tries different actions in the game, sees what works and what doesn't, and gets better over time.

It's like teaching a dog new tricks—except this dog can learn to build entire game worlds!

Image dog learning AI by doing by codewithshahan

Challenges and Future Potential

While "Game and Gen" is a groundbreaking technology, it's not yet practical for making commercial video games. 🕺

One of the challenges is something called "auto-regressive drift."


This is a problem that happens when the QUALITY of the gameplay starts to decrease over time.

The AI might start making mistakes or creating less interesting environments as the game goes on.

Despite these challenges, the potential of "Game and Gen" is huge.

Just imagine a future where AI can generate entire games on its own, or where players can create their own unique game experiences just by playing.

This technology could also have applications outside of gaming, such as in robotics. For example, robots could be trained in simulated environments created by AI, without needing any physical hardware. 🥲

The Bigger Picture

The development of "Game and Gen" is part of a larger trend in AI and robotics.

Companies like Google, Nvidia, and Tesla are all investing HEAVILY in this area.

Image Elon Musk's Optimus robots

For example, Elon Musk's Optimus robots and Nvidia's project Groot are examples of how advanced AI and robotics are being used to create humanoid robots that can perform complex tasks.

Google's Project Talent is another example of how AI is being applied in new and sometimes controversial ways.

This project aims to develop a device for humane capital punishment, which shows how AI and robotics are being integrated into various aspects of society. 🧦

A Glimpse into the Future

As we look to the future, it's clear that AI and robotics will play an increasingly important role in our lives.

Image Elon Musk's Optimus robots 2

As AI continues to advance, it could reach a point where it outthinks its human creators. Maybe it could be leading to a world where machines and humans coexist in ways we can't yet imagine. ⛔

Conclusion 👏

In conclusion, "Game and Gen" represents a major step forward in the field of AI and gaming.

While the technology is still in its early stages, it offers a glimpse of a future where games are created dynamically by AI, and where robots and machines become an integral part of our world.

The possibilities are endless, and we're just beginning to explore what this new era of AI can bring.

Here is the mind map of this article.

the future of game development in a mindmap view

Thank you so much for learning with me. Make sure comment below your thoughts.

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