10 Free Bootstrap Wizards

Creative Tim - Sep 3 '19 - - Dev Community
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Because the Bootstrap Wizard is one of the most-handy elements that can be used inside a project, we want to help you out. So today we present you a list with 10 useful and free Bootstrap Wizard.

Tell us what you think and leave us a comment if you think something is missing from the list.

1.Material Bootstrap Wizard

Material Bootstrap Wizard is a fully responsive wizard that is inspired by the famous Google’s Material Design and comes with 3 useful examples and 5 colors.
Material Bootstrap Wizard

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2.Bootstrap Wizard BootZard

Bootstrap Wizard BootZard is a Bootstrap form wizard template which is: free and comes with fields validation.
Bootstrap Wizard BootZard

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3.Bootstrap Application Wizard

The Application Wizard is a Bootstrap addon that allows multi-step forms to progress in a natural order while remaining flexible.
Bootstrap Application Wizard

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4.Twitter Bootstrap Wizard

Twitter Bootstrap Wizard is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap’s tabs & pills components to generate an interactive step-by-step wizard UI.
Twitter Bootstrap Wizard

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5.Twitter Bootstrap Wizard Plugin

This Twitter Bootstrap plugin builds a wizard using a formatted tabbable structure. It allows building a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps.
Twitter Bootstrap Wizard Plugin

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6.FormValidation with Bootstrap Wizard

In this example, you will see how to integrate FormValidation with Bootstrap Wizard.
FormValidation with Bootstrap Wizard

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7.Bootstrap Wizard – v0.1

Bootstrap Wizard is designed as a clean wizard to be used in a Bootstrap Panel, a Modal, etc.
Bootstrap Wizard – v0.1

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8.Easy Wizard

Easy Wizard is a jQuery plugin used to create a wizard interface which displays your step by step progress in a Bootstrap modal window.
Easy Wizard

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9.Twitter Bootstrap Wizard

A Bootstrap component for breaking down long forms or page structures into smaller, easier to digest sections, presenting them into the form of a step wizard.
Twitter Bootstrap Wizard

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10.Bootstrap Wizard

The Bootstrap Wizard is a fully responsive wizard that comes with 3 useful examples and 5 bright colors.
Bootstrap Wizard

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