How I solved my backend bug

Damilola Saheeb - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! I’m thrilled to share my journey into backend development.
Recently, I was working on a project that required efficient data retrieval from a database. The catch? The data was frequently accessed, and we needed to minimize database hits. My friend on the frontend was complaining about slow load times, and our server was sweating bullets. Clearly, something had to change.
After some research, I realized that caching was the key. But which type of cache should I use? There were so many options: in-memory caches, Redis, Memcached, and more. I decided to go with Redis because of its flexibility and robustness.
First, I dove into Redis documentation. I learned about data structures like strings, hashes, sets, and sorted sets.
I installed Redis locally and configured it to run as a service.
I modified our backend code to interact with Redis. Whenever a request came in, I checked if the data was already in the cache. If not, I fetched it from the database, stored it in Redis, and set an appropriate expiration time.
Cache Invalidation: Ah, the tricky part! I had to ensure that when data changed (thanks, CRUD operations), the cache updated accordingly. I implemented cache invalidation using Redis pub/sub. When an update occurred, a message was published, and all relevant cache keys were invalidated. It felt like playing chess against myself—anticipating moves and planning ahead.
I monitored Redis performance using tools like redis-cli and RedisInsight. I tweaked settings, adjusted eviction policies, and optimized memory usage. And voila, the joy of having your code working follows.

Now, let’s talk about HNG Internship. Why am I eager to join this adventure?

  • HNG offers a dynamic environment where I can learn, experiment, and grow.
  • I want to connect with fellow geeks, share ideas, and collaborate. Together, we’ll build amazing things—like a team of superheroes assembling to save the digital world.
  • HNG’s mentorship program is like having Yoda as your coding sensei. I’m ready to soak up knowledge like a sponge.

So there you have it—the tale of my cache conquest and my excitement for HNG Internship. Backend development isn’t just about code; it’s about solving puzzles, creating efficiencies, and being part of a vibrant tech ecosystem.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. Until next time, keep coding, keep caching, and keep your servers cool! 🚀🔥

Wanna join me on HNG internship?? or

I look forward to working alongside you at HNG 😊😊😊
