Hi everyone! Hope everything is well at your end. In my last part I have discussed about some of online tools for json converter to POJO classes. If you have not read it earlier you can find the link here .
Last time I have mentioned online tools today I am going to mention visual studio hacks and VS code extension to accomplish same task.
VS code extension
Json to JS convertor
What : This VS code extension converts JSON string into JS object.
How : Select JSON string and press Ctrl + Shift + J or press Ctrl + Shift + P and type Convert JSON into JS object.
JSON to JS object
What : This VS code extension converts JSON string to JS object. It converts snake case keys to camel case keys while converting to object.
How : Select JSON string and press Ctrl + Shift + P and type JSON to JS object.
Visual Studio
You can convert JSON string to C# POJO objects using an easy Visual studio hack.
What: Visual Studio provides a paste special option to convert JSON strings into C# POJO classes.
How: Copy JSON string and in visual studio open project or solution and then in Edit tab -> select Paste Special -> Paste JSON as Object.
Sample JSON string
"student": {
"name": "Test",
"degree": "IT",
"subjects": [{
"name" : "Computer Science",
"mark": 95
"name" : "Maths",
"mark": 98
And then once you click on Paste JSON as Object menu, the above JSON object is converted into class and pasted as classes in the file.
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Rootobject
public Student student { get; set; }
public class Student
public string name { get; set; }
public string degree { get; set; }
public Subject[] subjects { get; set; }
public class Subject
public string name { get; set; }
public int mark { get; set; }
Visual Studio Tool
JSON to C# tool
What : This tool will convert JSON string to C# classes and also add JSONProperty Attribute to represent property when they are serialized to JSON.
How : Install JSON to C# tool and then from Tools menu -> JSON to C# menu -> Paste JSON string -> Generate
OR Copy Json data -> right click on project folder and Generate classes from JSON.
That's all for today, Stay tuned for next time when I will discuss tools for JSON validation.
Happy Coding!...