What is a spam score? How do I reduce spam scores?

Gurpinder Singh - Jan 4 - - Dev Community

A spam score is a metric used to determine the likelihood of an email being perceived as spam by spam filters. It's calculated based on various factors such as the content of the email, sender reputation, use of spammy keywords, domain reputation, formatting, and more.

Reducing spam scores involves several practices aimed at improving the quality and legitimacy of your emails. Here are some tips to help reduce spam scores:

Quality Content: Ensure your emails have relevant, valuable, and well-written content. Avoid using excessive capitalization, misleading subject lines, or overly promotional language.

Authenticate Your Emails: Implement authentication methods like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) to verify your email's legitimacy.

Clean Email List: Regularly clean your email list by removing inactive or incorrect email addresses. Sending emails to invalid or inactive addresses can increase your spam score.

Avoid Spam Trigger Words: Refrain from using words or phrases that commonly trigger spam filters. These include phrases like "Act Now," "Free," "Limited Time Offer," and excessive use of exclamation marks or symbols.

Opt-in Subscriptions: Ensure recipients have opted in to receive your emails. Provide clear and easy options for unsubscribing.

Consistent Sending Patterns: Maintain a consistent sending schedule and avoid sudden spikes in email volume, which could trigger spam filters.

Monitor Feedback Loops: Keep an eye on feedback loops from ISPs (Internet Service Providers) or email providers to identify and address any complaints or issues with your emails.

Check HTML Formatting: Ensure proper HTML coding in your emails. Poorly formatted HTML or excessive use of code can trigger spam filters.

Use Reliable Email Service Providers (ESP): Consider using reputable ESPs that have good deliverability rates and provide tools to help manage and monitor your email campaigns.

Test Before Sending: Use spam-checking tools or email testing services to analyze your emails and identify potential issues before sending them out.

Reducing spam scores requires a combination of best practices, adherence to email standards, and ongoing monitoring and adjustments to maintain good email deliverability.

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