A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Google Chrome Extension for Amazon Budgeting

Dhruv Joshi - Jun 13 '23 - - Dev Community

Are you an avid online shopper? Do you often find yourself browsing through various products on Amazon, wondering if they fit within your budget? Wouldn't it be great to have a tool that could show you the estimated cost of the items right on the Amazon product page? Well, you're in luck!

In this blog, I will guide you through the process of creating a Google Chrome extension that can help you make informed purchasing decisions by displaying the budget for products on Amazon.

Online shopping has become a popular way to purchase products conveniently. However, it can be challenging to keep track of your budget, especially when shopping on platforms like Amazon that offer a wide range of items. With a Google Chrome extension that shows the budget for products on Amazon, you can have a better understanding of the affordability of the items you're interested in.

Understanding Google Chrome Extensions

Before we dive into creating the extension, let's understand what Google Chrome extensions are. Extensions are small software programs that enhance the functionality of the Google Chrome browser. They can modify and enhance the browsing experience by adding new features, customizing websites, or providing useful information.

Planning the Extension

To create a Google Chrome extension that shows the budget for products on Amazon, we need to plan our approach. Here's an outline of the steps involved:

Setting up the development environment

  • Retrieving product information from Amazon
  • Calculating the budget based on user-defined criteria
  • Displaying the budget on the Amazon product page
  • Testing and debugging the extension
  • Publishing the extension to the Chrome Web Store

Setting up the Development Environment

To develop the extension, we need a development environment that allows us to write and test our code. Here's what you'll need to set up:

  • Install Google Chrome: Make sure you have the latest version of Google Chrome installed on your computer.
  • Set up a text editor: Choose a text editor that you're comfortable with, such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.
  • Enable developer mode in Chrome: Open the Chrome browser and go to the Extensions page by entering "chrome://extensions" in the address bar. Enable the developer mode by toggling the switch at the top right corner of the page.

Retrieving Product Information from Amazon

To display the budget for products on Amazon, we need to retrieve relevant information about the product. We can achieve this by leveraging web scraping techniques. Here's how you can do it:

  • Identify the HTML elements: Inspect the Amazon product page and identify the HTML elements that contain the product title, price, and any other relevant information.
  • Use JavaScript and DOM manipulation: Write JavaScript code to access and extract the required information from the HTML elements. You can use libraries like jQuery to simplify the process.
  • Implement error handling: Account for any potential errors that may occur during the scraping process, such as missing or inconsistent data.

Calculating the Budget

Now that we have the product information, we can calculate the budget based on user-defined criteria. Here's how you can do it:

  • Define the budget criteria: Determine the factors that contribute to the budget calculation, such as the user's income, expenses, and savings goals.
  • Write the budget calculation algorithm: Implement an algorithm that takes into account the user-defined criteria and calculates the budget accordingly. Consider factors like affordability, savings targets, and financial constraints.
  • Format and display the budget: Present the calculated budget in a user-friendly format, such as a dollar amount or a percentage of the user's total budget.

Displaying the Budget on the Amazon Product Page

To provide a seamless user experience, we need to display the budget information directly on the Amazon product page. Here's how you can achieve this:

  • Modify the product page layout: Use CSS to customize the layout of the Amazon product page and create space for displaying the budget information.
  • Inject the budget into the page: Use JavaScript to insert the budget information into the modified layout. You can dynamically update the displayed budget whenever the user interacts with the page.

Testing and Debugging the Extension

Testing is a crucial step to ensure that the extension functions as intended and provides accurate budget information. Here's what you can do to test and debug the extension:

  • Test with different products: Try the extension with various products on Amazon to verify the accuracy of the budget calculations.
  • Handle edge cases: Test the extension with products that have different price ranges, discounts, or special offers to ensure that the budget calculation remains reliable.
  • Debug and fix issues: Use the Chrome Developer Tools to debug any issues that may arise during the testing phase. Fix any bugs or errors to improve the extension's performance and stability.

Publishing the Extension to the Chrome Web Store

Once you have thoroughly tested and refined the extension, it's time to share it with others by publishing it to the Chrome Web Store. Here's how you can do it:

  • Package the extension: Create a compressed file containing all the necessary files and assets required by the extension.
  • Register as a developer: Sign up for a developer account on the Chrome Web Store and complete the necessary registration process.
  • Upload and submit the extension: Fill in the required information about your extension, upload the packaged file, and submit it for review.
  • Compliance and review: The Chrome Web Store will review your extension for compliance with their guidelines and policies. Make any necessary changes based on their feedback.
  • Publish the extension: Once your extension passes the review process, it will be published on the Chrome Web Store, where users can find and install it.


Creating a Google Chrome extension that shows the budget for products on Amazon can greatly assist online shoppers in making informed purchasing decisions.

By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can develop an extension that retrieves product information, calculates the budget, and displays it directly on the Amazon product page. With this tool at your disposal, you can shop confidently while staying within your budget.

Well, in this blog, I haven't covered every detail and steps with codes. Want to know step by step? You can comment so I can make a detailed one.

Also, there is a sea of uses of such extension and can be made with rich features. You can reach me to develop one.


1. Can I use the extension on other e-commerce platforms?

The extension is specifically designed for Amazon. However, you can modify the code to adapt it to other e-commerce platforms with similar product information structures.

2. Is the budget calculation customizable?

Yes, the budget calculation algorithm can be customized to fit your personal financial goals and criteria. You can adjust factors like savings targets and income allocation.

3. Will the extension work on mobile devices?

The extension is designed for the Google Chrome browser on desktop devices. However, you can explore options like Chrome for Android or Firefox for Android to adapt it to mobile platforms.

4. Can I share the extension with others?

Once your extension is published on the Chrome Web Store, anyone can find and install it. You can share the extension's Chrome Web Store link with others to make it easily accessible.

5. Is the extension free to use?

The pricing and availability of the extension are determined by the developer. Some extensions may be free, while others may require a one-time purchase or offer additional premium features.

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