Chat GPT vs Google Bard. Which is Best for Developers?

Dhruv Joshi - Jun 10 '23 - - Dev Community

ChatGPT and Google Bard are currently the leading large language models (LLMs) in the industry. These highly regarded models have undergone extensive training on diverse datasets, encompassing both text and code. They excel in generating high-quality text, facilitating language translation, composing creative content, and delivering informative responses to your queries. With their advanced capabilities, ChatGPT and Google Bard have emerged as the go-to choices for users seeking powerful language processing tools.

However, there are some key differences between the two models that may make one a better choice for developers than the other.


When comparing ChatGPT and Google Bard, one significant distinction lies in the training data they utilized. ChatGPT's training dataset encompasses text and code collected from 2017 to 2021, while Google Bard's dataset extends up to 2023. This disparity grants Google Bard an advantage in terms of accessing more recent information. Developers seeking to remain abreast of the latest trends can benefit from Google Bard's ability to provide up-to-date insights.


When comparing ChatGPT and Google Bard, one notable distinction lies in the features they provide. ChatGPT offers a range of developer-centric features, including code generation, language translation, and diverse creative content writing capabilities. On the other hand, while Google Bard may not possess all of these specific features, it offers other valuable functionalities for developers. For instance, Google Bard excels in providing informative answers to questions and generating various formats of creative text.


ChatGPT and Google Bard are both available for free, but there are also paid versions of both models that offer additional features and capabilities. The paid version of ChatGPT is called ChatGPT Plus, and it offers features such as the ability to generate more realistic and engaging text, translate languages more accurately, and write different kinds of creative content more effectively. The paid version of Google Bard is called Bard Pro, and it offers features such as the ability to answer questions more accurately, generate more creative text formats, and access more data.

Which is Better for Developers?

So, which is better for developers, ChatGPT or Google Bard? Ultimately, the answer depends on your specific needs and requirements. If you need a model that has access to the latest information and can generate code, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content, then ChatGPT may be a better choice for you. If you need a model that can answer questions in an informative way and generate different creative text formats, then Google Bard may be a better choice for you.

Considerations for Developers

a. Use Case:

When choosing between Chat GPT and Google Bard, developers must consider their specific use case. If the goal is to build conversational agents or chatbots, Chat GPT's natural language processing capabilities make it the more suitable option. However, if the focus is on creative writing or poetry-related projects, Google Bard's specialization in poetry generation provides a unique advantage.

b. Training Data and Fine-Tuning:

Developers should also consider the training data and fine-tuning options available for each model. OpenAI's Chat GPT benefits from a vast and diverse training corpus, making it adaptable to various topics and contexts. Google Bard, while limited to poetry, can still be fine-tuned with specific datasets to enhance its output and align it with desired stylistic preferences.

c. Developer Support and Documentation:

Another aspect to consider is the availability of developer support and comprehensive documentation. OpenAI provides extensive documentation, code examples, and a developer community to assist users in implementing and optimizing Chat GPT. Google Bard, being a research project, may have limited official support but benefits from the broader TensorFlow and machine learning community.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard:

Image description


Choosing between Chat GPT and Google Bard ultimately depends on the developer's specific requirements and use case. Chat GPT's conversational abilities make it a powerful tool for building chatbots and virtual assistants, while Google Bard's expertise lies in generating poetic compositions. Developers must carefully evaluate their project needs, training data requirements, and desired outcomes to determine which model best aligns with their goals.

Regardless of the choice, both Chat GPT and Google Bard exemplify the remarkable potential of language models in empowering developers and enhancing user experiences.

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