The Ultimate beginners guide to open source – part 4: Why you should contribute to open source projects

Dunsin - Jun 9 - - Dev Community

Getting involved in open source projects is a great way to improve your coding skills and work on real-world projects. By contributing to these projects, you can gain valuable experience that will make you a better developer. This blog will explore the benefits of contributing to open source, such as building your resume, connecting with other developers, and learning new technologies.


  1. Contributing to open source projects allows you to gain hands-on experience with real-world projects and a variety of programming languages. As you encounter and solve many code challenges, you will get practical experience that will help you become a better developer.

  2. Contributions to open source serve as real evidence of your skills. These contributions can be listed on your resume, portfolio, or LinkedIn profile, which will impress potential clients or employers and boost your chances of getting contracts or employment offers.

  3. You can connect with other developers, maintainers, and industry experts. These contacts can lead to mentorship opportunities, collaboration on interesting projects, or even freelance work referrals.

  4. Open source projects come in a variety of sizes and shapes, covering a wide spectrum of technologies and tools. Participating exposes you to new libraries, frameworks, and development approaches, broadening your knowledge and keeping your skills current.

  5. Many open-source projects have challenging problems that must be resolved. This allows you to handle hard problems, troubleshoot code, and come up with creative solutions. Such experiences can greatly improve your troubleshooting and debugging skills.

  6. Contributing to open source is a method for developers all over the world to give back. You contribute to open-source software, making technology more accessible and enhancing it for users worldwide. This sensation of achievement can be extremely fulfilling.

  7. You may be recognized for your contributions depending on your level of contribution. This can include badges on platforms like as GitHub, references in project documentation, or invites becoming a core contributor, all of which can help you build your reputation in the community.

  8. Contributors from all over the world are frequently involved in open source projects. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with people from various origins, cultures, and perspectives if you participate. This global engagement has the potential to extend your horizons, strengthen your communication skills, and foster a greater understanding of global teamwork.

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Check out Part 3 on ways to find open source projects to contribute to, Part 2 on how to contribute to a project without feeling scared and Part 1 on the basics of open source.

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