Best Custom GPT alternatives in 2024

Eden AI - Apr 12 - - Dev Community

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, GPTs have emerged as transformative tools, offering tailored solutions to diverse industries. While OpenAI's Custom GPTs have been pioneers in this domain, several alternatives have risen to prominence. This article delves into the best Custom GPT alternatives in 2024, elucidating their key features, benefits, and performance factors.‍

What are Custom GPTs?

Custom Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPTs) have emerged as a beacon of innovation in the world of artificial intelligence (AI). They offer a tailored AI assistance that understands and generates human-like text, making processes across various industries smoother and more intuitive than ever before.

GPTs, or more commonly known as Custom GPTs, are a no-code feature of OpenAI's ChatGPT that allows users to customize the chatbot according to their needs. They allow users to seamlessly connect various types of knowledge data scattered across different enterprise platforms, ensuring more accurate AI responses through structured knowledge and recall mechanisms.

While OpenAI's GPTs solution has its strengths, businesses are now favoring alternatives that offer similar or superior features at a more affordable price, often with a free trial. Many businesses are exploring options beyond OpenAI's GPTs for better response quality, personalized interactions, and multilingual support on a global scale.

Why Choosing Custom GPTs over traditional chatbots?

The decision between generic Chatbots and Custom GPTs depends on the user's specific needs and preferences.

A generic AI chatbot offers standard features and responses that aren't personalized to your business and may not integrate seamlessly with your data sources.

Alternatives to OpenAI's GPTs, on the other hand, are tailored to your specific business needs. It's powered by advanced AI and provides accurate responses based on your own data.

Custom GPTs offer numerous advantages for developers and businesses seeking to enhance their AI capabilities:

1. Tailored Solutions: Custom GPTs enable training AI models with specific data, leading to highly tailored solutions optimized for individual needs and industries.
2. Increased Efficiency: Utilizing Custom GPTs automates tasks, streamlines processes, and boosts overall efficiency, freeing up human resources for strategic initiatives.
3. Enhanced Personalization: Custom GPTs facilitate personalized user interactions by understanding context, preferences, and language nuances, enhancing user experiences and satisfaction.
4. Scalability: Custom GPTs provide flexibility in model architecture, training data, and deployment options, allowing for easy scaling as business needs evolve.

Best Custom GPTs alternatives in 2024

After thorough research, a list of the top 15 alternatives to OpenAI's GPTs with improved response quality, features and supported API integration has been curated:

  • AskYoda by Eden AI
  • Botpress
  • Capechat
  • Chaindesk
  • Chatbase
  • ChatFast
  • Chatfuel
  • CustomGPT
  • Droxy
  • Forethought
  • InsertChat
  • Landbot
  • Writesonic

1. AskYoda (Ask Your Own Data) by Eden AI‍

While many custom GPT builders rely solely on OpenAI's GPT models, Eden AI's Custom GPT AskYoda (Ask Your Own Data) stands out by combining AI models and LLMs, setting it apart in the market.

AskYoda caters to a broad audience, from small businesses to customer service operations, offering a user-friendly interface and customizable features suitable for various applications.

Eden AI App - Custom GPT

With Eden AI, you have the freedom to tailor your project by handpicking your database (Qdrant, Supabase), embedding provider (be it OpenAI, Google, Cohere, or Mistral), and your preferred Large Language Model (LLM) from a diverse selection including Replicate, OpenAI GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, Mistral, Perplexity, Meta Llama2, Cohere Command, and Google PaLM2.

Custom GPT on Eden AI

✨ Key Features:

1. Combine AI/LLMs‍
AskYoda operates on an embedding framework that enhances response generation and information retrieval.
By leveraging the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) technique to maximize Large Language Model (LLM) performance, users can retrieve contextually relevant answers from a knowledge base with text embeddings stored in a vector store.

2. Content Source Variation‍
Eden AI's AskYoda facilitates the quick creation of custom chatbots from diverse content sources like text, URLs, PDFs, MP3s, or WAV files.
PDFs are automatically parsed through OCR, while audio files undergo speech-to-text conversion for easy extraction of insights.

3.Customizable AI Chatbots:‍ 
Users can build custom-trained AI chatbots tailored to their specific requirements with AskYoda. The platform offers flexible configuration options to personalize chatbot behaviors and profiles.

4.Versatile Integration:‍
Eden AI's Chatbot allows seamless integration across platforms at both ends such as Webflow, Unity, or Discord. Users can also integrate their own vector database account with Qdrant and Supabase to enhance bot performance.

5. Effortless Deployment via API and No Code tools:‍
Deploy Eden AI's AskYoda chatbots with ease, thanks to streamlined deployment processes and comprehensive API documentation. Users can train their chatbots on their own data or business-specific information using various programming languages like Python and JavaScript.

Additionally, it supports no-code integration, allowing users to easily customize and deploy language models for data queries without the need for coding on Bubble and Make platforms.

6. Rich Analytics and Insights:‍
Gain valuable insights into chatbot performance and user interactions through built-in analytics tools. Monitor key metrics, track user engagement history, and identify optimization opportunities to enhance the overall chatbot experience.

💡 Get started with AskYoda

To begin utilizing Eden AI's Chatbot AskYoda, the first step is to create a free account on Eden AI. Once registered, you can obtain your API key 🔑 directly from the homepage. This key can then be used with the free credits provided by Eden AI.

Now that you've created your account, either start from scratch or choose to customize your AskYoda project by selecting your database, embedding provider, and your preferred LLM.

For a more comprehensive guide on crafting a custom GPT, we recommend following the Eden AI's AskYoda tutorial provided and exploring our documentation for detailed insights.

Try Eden AI's Custom GPT today!

2. Botpress

Botpress leverages cutting-edge LLMs to create human-like chatbots, enabling users to build bots that engage effectively with users. Users can kickstart their chatbot projects by selecting fully customizable templates or providing a URL or document for generative AI setup.Users can also deploy their chatbots across multiple channels like Messenger, Microsoft Teams, Telegram, Vonage, and more to reach users wherever they are.‍

3. CapeChat

CapeChat, developed by Cape Privacy, is a cutting-edge platform that prioritizes data privacy and security while utilizing large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT-4, Anthropic, Azure, Cohere, Meta (Llama 2 7B) for private chat interactions.

The platform automatically encrypts documents and redacts any confidential information, ensuring privacy and security for users before processing them through the OpenAI ChatGPT API, maintaining confidentiality and security.

CapeChat supports various file types such as PDFs, Word documents, Excel sheets, CSV files, text files, and more for secure document processing and interaction.

4. Chaindesk

Chaindesk is an AI chatbot platform that offers instant answers from diverse sources 24/7. It allows users to train custom GPT chatbots on their data, enabling support, lead generation, and more.

The platform ingests content seamlessly from various sources like Files, Notion, Google Drive, Zendesk Help Center, and public URLs for comprehensive responses.

Chaindesk leverages Generative AI models such as GPT-4 to provide secure and precise responses, reducing team ticket volumes effectively. Chaindesk ensures uninterrupted conversations across platforms like Embeddable Widgets, WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, and more. Founded in France, Chaindesk prioritizes privacy by encrypting data in transit and at rest on secure servers. ‍

5. Chatbase

Powered by GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4, Chatbase provides a platform for building personalized chatbots for websites or apps. These chatbots are trained on specific data to speak in the brand's voice and possess the brand's knowledge. Users can embed the chatbot anywhere, customize its personality and design, connect it to different data sources like Slack, WhatsApp or Zapier, and track its performance to continuously improve interactions.‍

6. ChatFast

This AI-powered tool allows for training chatbots on various data types like text files, PDFs, and website links. Users can enhance their chatbot's responses by adding custom Q&A and collecting visitor information such as names, emails, and phone numbers for valuable analytics.
ChatFast supports interactions in over 95 languages and offers API access for paid plans, allowing for seamless integration with other systems.

7. Chatfuel

Founded in 2015, Chatfuel was created to make conversational commerce on social media easily accessible to brands. The platform offers a no-code solution for building Messenger and Instagram chatbots, fueling over a billion conversations monthly by empowering businesses of all sizes to connect with customers through chat automation.

8. is a sophisticated platform that enables users to create personalized conversational responses based on their business content, leveraging OpenAI's LLM and GPT-4. The platform supports API integration, allowing users to seamlessly connect with other systems and tools for enhanced functionality and workflow optimization. supports various file types such as PDFs, Word documents, Excel sheets, CSV files, and more for secure document processing and interaction.

9. Droxy

Droxy AI enables the quick creation of personalized chatbots from various content sources, providing immediate value and enhancing user engagement. Users can upload content in different forms like PDFs, videos, YouTube videos, or websites, allowing for easy extraction of insights and fostering an intuitive understanding of the content. Droxy AI facilitates the creation of chatbots trained on collective information, offering an engaging tool for sharing rules, FAQs, and event details within communities. You can also extend the reach of your Droxy chatbot by integrating it with popular platforms like Discord.

10. Forethought

SupportGPT by Forethought is an AI-first customer support automation platform that revolutionizes customer service operations by infusing generative AI throughout the entire support lifecycle. SupportGPT leverages OpenAI's ChatGPT-and fine-tunes it on your customers' conversation history.

11. GPTBots.AI is an innovative AI chatbot development platform powered by OpenAI's GPT-4, Azure, and Baidu. Users praise the platform for its ability to seamlessly blend Large Language Models (LLM) with custom data and applications, making it a game-changer in the realm of AI integration.

It facilitates the incorporation of knowledge from external sources such as Notion, Dropbox, Google Drive, among others, and offers seamless integration via APIs, enabling effortless importation of private information stored in third-party applications.

12. InsertChat

InsertChat empowers users to build white-label AI chatbots without coding, leveraging various data sources like URLs, documents, texts, audio, and videos to personalize interactions.
Users can access a diverse range of training models such as GPT, Bard, Llama 2, and Falcon, providing flexibility and choice in creating tailored chatbots.

13. Landbot

Landbot is an AI chatbot generator that enables businesses to create conversational experiences across various platforms like Facebook, the web, and WhatsApp. It helps in capturing high-quality leads, automating conversations throughout the customer journey, and enhancing lead generation by creating engaging, human-like interactions.

Landbot stands out for its easy setup, flexibility in chatbot deployment, integration capabilities, bot-to-human hand-off functionality, and educational resources to support users in creating interactive chatbots efficiently.

14. allows users to train AI engines through mock dialogue scenarios, enhancing the accuracy of responses generated. By integrating systems through APIs, optimizes chatbot performance across various channels like websites, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and SMS. Users can add multiple documents for the AI to search through when responding to user queries.

The platform offers ready-to-use templates for quick chatbot creation and supports features like lead qualification, FAQ management, order processing, application forms, password resets, ticketing with Zendesk, and other built-in integrations like Zapier, Shopify, Calendlry, Stripe, and more.

15. Writesonic

Provided by Writesonic, Botsonic leverages Generative AI models like GPT-4 to deliver secure and precise responses, resolving customer inquiries efficiently.

Botsonic enables seamless integration with your preferred tools at both ends, creating a streamlined flow of information that boosts functionality and efficiency across platforms such as Wordpress, WhatsApp, Google Drive, Salesforce, Slack, and more.

Performance Factors of Custom GPTs with APIs

The performance of Custom Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPTs) with APIs is influenced by key factors that impact their effectiveness. Understanding these variables is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes. Here are the factors that can affect the performance of Custom GPTs:

- Training Data Quality and Quantity: The quality and quantity of training data used to fine-tune Custom GPTs significantly impact their performance, enhancing accuracy and contextual relevance.
- Model Architecture and Complexity: The architecture and complexity of the Custom GPT model impact speed, accuracy, and resource utilization, requiring careful optimization for optimal results.
- API Integration and Latency: Efficient API integration and latency management are crucial for ensuring smooth and timely interactions with the AI model.
- Task-Specific Adaptation: Customizing the AI model for specific tasks or industries can significantly improve its performance in addressing specialized requirements.
- Scalability and Resource Management: Efficient resource management is critical for maintaining performance consistency and handling varying workloads.
- Edge Cases and Niche Applications: Understanding the model's limitations in handling unique situations is important for optimizing performance. In conclusion, addressing these performance variables proactively can maximize the effectiveness of Custom GPTs in achieving desired outcomes efficiently and accurately.

Why Choose Eden AI

Eden AI serves as a comprehensive platform for managing various AI APIs, including Custom GPT. Here's why Eden AI stands out:

- Fallback Provider Support: Eden AI allows users to set up a fallback provider, ensuring continuity in case the primary API faces performance issues.
- Performance Optimization: Users can optimize API performance based on specific criteria, ensuring the selection of the best-performing LLM and AI Model API for their needs.
- Cost-Performance Ratio Optimization: Eden AI enables users to choose the most cost-effective AI Model that aligns with their performance requirements.
- Unified API Access: Eden AI provides a standardized and simple interface for accessing multiple LLMs, streamlining integration.
- Data Protection: Eden AI prioritizes data protection, offering the option to filter and use only GDPR-compliant engines for enhanced privacy.

How can Eden AI help you?

‍Eden AI has been made for multiple AI APIs use. Eden AI is the future of AI usage in companies. Eden AI allows you to call multiple AI APIs.

Multiple AI Engines in one API

  • Centralized and fully monitored billing on Eden AI for all Large Language Models.
  • Unified API for all providers: simple and standard to use, quick switch between providers, access to the specific features of each provider
  • Standardized response format: the JSON output format is the same for all suppliers thanks to Eden AI's standardization work. The response elements are also standardized thanks to Eden AI's powerful matching algorithms.
  • The best Artificial Intelligence APIs in the market are available: big cloud providers (Google, AWS, Microsoft, and more specialized engines)
  • Data protection: Eden AI will not store or use any data. Possibility to filter to use only GDPR engines.

You can see Eden AI documentation here.


As businesses embrace the era of Custom GPTs, the landscape of AI assistance continues to evolve with alternatives offering unique features and capabilities.
Whether prioritizing data privacy or seamless integration, businesses can leverage these alternatives to create tailored AI solutions that drive efficiency, engagement, and innovation.
With performance factors and benefits elucidated, the choice of Custom GPTs becomes not just a decision but a strategic investment in unlocking new opportunities in the digital realm.

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