How to Parse Key-value Pairs from a Base64-encoded String in SQL?#eg12

Judy - Jul 29 '24 - - Dev Community

We have a Base64-encoded string as follows:


And are trying to parse the transcoded JSON string ({"a":63,"c":298,"n":1,"s":1,"e":40,"p":4}) as a table. Below is the desired result:

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SQL written in MySQL:



                        USING utf8),

            '$."a"') a,


                        USING utf8),

            '$."c"') c,


                        USING utf8),

            '$."n"') n,


                        USING utf8),

            '$."s"') s,


                        USING utf8),

            '$."e"') e,


                        USING utf8),

            '$."p"') p

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There is nothing hard about it. We only need to convert the Base64-encoded strings into JSON strings, then parse JSON into a table according to K-V pairs. SQL coding is complicated, particularly when the number of columns in the result table is unknown.


It is easy to code it in the open-source esProc SPL:

Suppose the value of parameter arg1 is:


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As the open-source, professional structured data computation language, SPL is convenient in handling various data sources, including JSON.

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