Problem description & analysis
Below is text file txt.txt:
853617639 975336865
The text file contains multiple numeric strings. Each string is 9-digit, and strings are separated by white space. We are trying to process each numeric string and output information according to the following rule: If a digit appears repeatedly, replace it with one within 1-9 that has not been appeared before (find the replacement in natural order). Below is the desired result:
853617249 975316824
Write the following script p1.dfx in esProc:
A1 Read the text file as a string.
A2 Split numeric strings into a sequence using the white space, and each member string into a sequence of integers.
A3 Define cellset variable id as integer sequence of 1-9.
A4 Loop through A2, during which cellset variable pos is defined to represent the position where a duplicate integer appears and find an integer from 1 to 9 that has not appeared in order to replace the duplicate.
A5 Concatenate member sequences of a sequence into a string.
A6 Write A5’s result to result.txt.