This strategy is an advanced quantitative trading system that combines moving averages and dynamic range filters. It mainly identifies market trends by analyzing the relationship between price changes and trading volume, and uses range filters to filter out false signals and improve trading accuracy. The strategy uses an adaptive calculation method to determine the liquidity boundary of the market and combines fast and slow moving averages to confirm the trend direction.
Strategy Principle
The core logic of the strategy is based on the following key calculations:
- Liquidity Analysis: Assess market liquidity by calculating the ratio of trading volume to price change and set dynamic liquidity boundaries.
- Trend Confirmation: Use the 50-period and 100-period Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) to confirm trend direction.
- Range Filtering: A sampling period of 50 periods and a range multiplier of 3 are used to construct dynamic trading ranges.
- Signal Generation: A trading signal is generated when the price breaks out of the range filter and the EMA indicator shows a trend agreement.
Strategy Advantages
- Strong adaptability: The strategy can dynamically adjust parameters according to market conditions and adapt to different market environments.
- Reliable signals: By combining multiple technical indicators and filters, false signals are effectively reduced.
- Perfect risk management: It integrates automatic calculation of stop loss position to effectively control risks.
- Complete backtesting functionality: Contains detailed backtesting settings to facilitate strategy optimization.
Strategy Risks
- Parameter sensitivity: Multiple parameters of the strategy need to be fine-tuned and are prone to over-optimization.
- Slippage impact: In a highly volatile market, you may face a greater risk of slippage.
- Market adaptability: Frequent false signals may be generated in a sideways market.
- Money Management: A fixed money allocation approach may not be suitable for all market conditions.
Strategy Optimization Direction
- Parameter adaptation: An adaptive parameter adjustment mechanism can be introduced to enable parameters to be automatically adjusted according to market conditions.
- Market status identification: Add a market status judgment module to adopt different trading strategies under different market conditions.
- Optimized fund management: Introducing dynamic position management to adjust transaction size according to market volatility.
- Signal filtering enhancement: More technical indicators can be added to filter out false signals.
This strategy builds a complete quantitative trading system by combining liquidity analysis, trend tracking and range filters. Its advantage is that it can adapt to market changes and provide reliable trading signals, but it also needs to pay attention to parameter optimization and risk management. Through continuous optimization and improvement, this strategy is expected to maintain stable performance in different market environments.
Strategy source code
start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-12-15 08:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("Killer Coin V2 + Range Filter Strategy", shorttitle="KC-RF Strategy", overlay=true
useDate = input(true, title='---------------- Use Date ----------------', group="Backtest Settings")
FromMonth = input.int(7, title="From Month", minval=1, maxval=12, group="Backtest Settings")
FromDay = input.int(25, title="From Day", minval=1, maxval=31, group="Backtest Settings")
FromYear = input.int(2019, title="From Year", minval=2017, group="Backtest Settings")
ToMonth = input.int(1, title="To Month", minval=1, maxval=12, group="Backtest Settings")
ToDay = input.int(1, title="To Day", minval=1, maxval=31, group="Backtest Settings")
ToYear = input.int(9999, title="To Year", minval=2017, group="Backtest Settings")
start = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)
finish = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
window() => time >= start and time <= finish
outlierThreshold = input.int(10, "Outlier Threshold Length", group="Killer Coin Settings")
fastMovingAverageLength = input.int(50, "Fast MA length", group="Killer Coin Settings")
slowMovingAverageLength = input.int(100, "Slow MA length", group="Killer Coin Settings")
sources = input(close, "Source", group="Range Filter Settings")
isHA = input(false, "Use HA Candles", group="Range Filter Settings")
per = input.int(50, "Sampling Period", minval=1, group="Range Filter Settings")
mult = input.float(3.0, "Range Multiplier", minval=0.1, group="Range Filter Settings")
priceMovementLiquidity = volume / math.abs(close - open)
liquidityBoundary = ta.ema(priceMovementLiquidity, outlierThreshold) + ta.stdev(priceMovementLiquidity, outlierThreshold)
var liquidityValues = array.new_float(5)
if ta.crossover(priceMovementLiquidity, liquidityBoundary)
array.insert(liquidityValues, 0, close)
fastEMA = ta.ema(array.get(liquidityValues, 0), fastMovingAverageLength)
slowEMA = ta.ema(array.get(liquidityValues, 0), slowMovingAverageLength)
src = isHA ? request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, sources) : sources
// Smooth Average Range
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = (t*2) - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper)*m
smrng = smoothrng(src, per, mult)
// Range Filter
rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? ((x - r) < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : (x - r)) : ((x + r) > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : (x + r))
filt = rngfilt(src, smrng)
// Filter Direction
upward = 0.0
upward := filt > filt[1] ? nz(upward[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 : nz(upward[1])
downward = 0.0
downward := filt < filt[1] ? nz(downward[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 : nz(downward[1])
// Target Bands
hband = filt + smrng
lband = filt - smrng
// === PLOTTING ===
// Killer Coin V2 Plots
bullColor = color.new(#00ffbb, 50)
bearColor = color.new(#800080, 50)
fastPlot = plot(fastEMA, "Fast EMA", color = fastEMA > slowEMA ? bullColor : bearColor)
slowPlot = plot(slowEMA, "Slow EMA", color = fastEMA > slowEMA ? bullColor : bearColor)
fill(fastPlot, slowPlot, color = fastEMA > slowEMA ? bullColor : bearColor)
// Range Filter Plots
filtcolor = upward > 0 ? color.new(color.lime, 0) : downward > 0 ? color.new(color.red, 0) : color.new(color.orange, 0)
filtplot = plot(filt, "Range Filter", color=filtcolor, linewidth=3)
hbandplot = plot(hband, "High Target", color=color.new(color.aqua, 90))
lbandplot = plot(lband, "Low Target", color=color.new(color.fuchsia, 90))
fill(hbandplot, filtplot, color=color.new(color.aqua, 90))
fill(lbandplot, filtplot, color=color.new(color.fuchsia, 90))
// Range Filter Conditions
longCond = ((src > filt) and (src > src[1]) and (upward > 0)) or ((src > filt) and (src < src[1]) and (upward > 0))
shortCond = ((src < filt) and (src < src[1]) and (downward > 0)) or ((src < filt) and (src > src[1]) and (downward > 0))
CondIni = 0
CondIni := longCond ? 1 : shortCond ? -1 : CondIni[1]
longCondition = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1
shortCondition = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1
// Combined Conditions
finalLongSignal = longCondition and fastEMA > slowEMA and window()
finalShortSignal = shortCondition and fastEMA < slowEMA and window()
plotshape(finalLongSignal, "Buy Signal", text="BUY", textcolor=color.white,
style=shape.labelup, size=size.normal, location=location.belowbar,
color=color.new(color.green, 0))
plotshape(finalShortSignal, "Sell Signal", text="SELL", textcolor=color.white,
style=shape.labeldown, size=size.normal, location=location.abovebar,
color=color.new(color.red, 0))
if finalLongSignal
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, stop=hband)
if finalShortSignal
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, stop=lband)
// === ALERTS ===
alertcondition(finalLongSignal, "Strong Buy Signal", "🚨 Buy - Both Indicators Aligned!")
alertcondition(finalShortSignal, "Strong Sell Signal", "🚨 Sell - Both Indicators Aligned!")
Strategy parameters
The original address: https://www.fmz.com/strategy/475312