Multi-Period Supertrend Dynamic Pyramiding Trading Strategy

FMZQuant - Jan 23 - - Dev Community

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This is a pyramid trading strategy based on multiple Supertrend indicators. It identifies high-probability trading opportunities by setting three Supertrend indicators with different periods and multipliers. The strategy uses a dynamic pyramiding method, allowing up to three entries, and combines dynamic stop loss and flexible exit conditions to maximize profits and control risks.

Strategy Principle
The strategy uses three Supertrend indicators with different parameter settings: fast, medium and slow. The entry signal is based on the intersection of these three indicators and the trend direction, using a three-layer pyramid-style position increase: the first layer enters the market when the fast indicator is downward, the medium indicator is upward, and the slow indicator is downward; the second layer enters the market through a breakthrough when both the fast and medium indicators are downward; the third layer enters the market through a breakthrough when the market reaches a new high. Multiple mechanisms such as dynamic stop loss, average price stop loss and overall trend reversal are used for exit.

Strategy Advantages

  1. Multiple confirmation mechanism improves transaction accuracy
  2. Pyramiding can increase profits significantly in trending markets
  3. The dynamic stop loss mechanism protects profits while giving trends ample room to develop
  4. Flexible exit mechanism can better cope with different market environments
  5. Use percentage position control to adapt to different fund sizes

Strategy Risks

  1. Frequent false signals may occur in volatile markets
  2. Pyramiding may lead to larger drawdowns when the trend suddenly reverses
  3. Multiple indicators may cause signal lag
  4. Parameter optimization has the risk of overfitting.

It is recommended to use strict fund management and backtesting to control these risks.

Strategy Optimization Direction

  1. Add market environment filtering mechanism to dynamically adjust parameters under different volatility environments
  2. Optimize the interval between adding positions and the proportion of position allocation
  3. Introduce more technical indicators to filter out false signals
  4. Develop adaptive parameter mechanisms to adapt to market changes
  5. Improve the exit mechanism, you can consider adding profit targets and time stop losses

This strategy captures trend opportunities through multiple Supertrend indicators and pyramid-adding methods, and controls risks with dynamic stop loss and flexible exit mechanisms. Although there are certain limitations, this strategy has good practical application value through continuous optimization and strict risk control.

Strategy source code

start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2025-01-04 08:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy('4Vietnamese 3x Supertrend', overlay=true, max_bars_back=1000, initial_capital = 10000000000, slippage = 2, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0.013, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 33.33, pyramiding = 3, margin_long = 0, margin_short = 0)

// Inputs

// Supertrend Settings
STATRLENGTH1 =, title='Fast Supertrend ATR Length', group='SUPERTREND SETTINGS')
STATRMULT1 = input.float(1, title='Fast Supertrend ATR Multiplier', group='SUPERTREND SETTINGS')
STATRLENGTH2 =, title='Medium Supertrend ATR Length', group='SUPERTREND SETTINGS')
STATRMULT2 = input.float(2, title='Medium Supertrend ATR Multiplier', group='SUPERTREND SETTINGS')
STATRLENGTH3 =, title='Slow Supertrend ATR Length', group='SUPERTREND SETTINGS')
STATRMULT3 = input.float(3, title='Slow Supertrend ATR Multiplier', group='SUPERTREND SETTINGS')

isUseHighestOf2RedCandleSetup = input.bool(false, group = "Setup Filters")

// Calculations 
[superTrend1, dir1] = ta.supertrend(STATRMULT1, STATRLENGTH1)
[superTrend2, dir2] = ta.supertrend(STATRMULT2, STATRLENGTH2)
[superTrend3, dir3] = ta.supertrend(STATRMULT3, STATRLENGTH3)

// directionST1 = dir1 == 1 and dir1[1] == 1 ? false : dir1 == -1 and dir1[1] == -1 ? true : false
// directionST2 = dir2 == 1 and dir2[1] == 1 ? false : dir2 == -1 and dir2[1] == -1 ? true : false
// directionST3 = dir3 == 1 and dir3[1] == 1 ? false : dir3 == -1 and dir3[1] == -1 ? true : false

// Calculate highest from supertrend1 uptrend
var float highestGreen = 0
if dir1 < 0 and highestGreen == 0 and (isUseHighestOf2RedCandleSetup ? close < open : true)
    highestGreen := high
if highestGreen > 0 and (isUseHighestOf2RedCandleSetup ? close < open : true)
    if high > highestGreen
        highestGreen := high
if dir1 >= 0
    highestGreen := 0

// Entry SL
var entrySL4Long1 = false
var entrySL4Long2 = false
var entrySL4Long3 = false

isUseEntrySL = input.bool(true, group = "Entry SL Option")
dataToCalculate = input.source(low, group = "Entry SL Option")

if isUseEntrySL and (dir1 > 0 and dir2 < 0 and dir3 < 0)
    if strategy.opentrades >= 1
        if dataToCalculate > strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
            entrySL4Long1 := true
            entrySL4Long1 := false

        if entrySL4Long1 and close > strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
            strategy.exit('exit1', from_entry = 'long1', stop = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0))

    if strategy.opentrades >= 2 
        if dataToCalculate > strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1)
            entrySL4Long2 := true
            entrySL4Long2 := false

        if entrySL4Long2 and close > strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1)
            strategy.exit('exit2', from_entry = 'long2', stop = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1))   

    if strategy.opentrades >= 3 
        if dataToCalculate > strategy.opentrades.entry_price(2) 
            entrySL4Long3 := true
            entrySL4Long3 := false

        if entrySL4Long3 and close >  strategy.opentrades.entry_price(2)
            strategy.exit('exit3', from_entry = 'long3', stop = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(2))

if strategy.closedtrades > strategy.closedtrades[1]
    if strategy.closedtrades.exit_id(strategy.closedtrades-1) == 'exit3'
        entrySL4Long3 := false
    if strategy.closedtrades.exit_id(strategy.closedtrades-1) == 'exit2'
        entrySL4Long2 := false
    if strategy.closedtrades.exit_id(strategy.closedtrades-1) == 'exit1'
        entrySL4Long1 := false

// Entry
if dir3 < 0
    if dir2 > 0 and dir1 < 0
        strategy.entry('long1', strategy.long)
    else if dir2 < 0
        strategy.entry('long2', strategy.long, stop=superTrend1)
    if dir1 < 0 and highestGreen > 0
        strategy.entry('long3', strategy.long, stop=highestGreen)

// Exit
isUseAllDowntrendExit = input.bool(true, group = "Exit Type")
if isUseAllDowntrendExit and dir3 > 0 and dir2 > 0 and dir1 > 0 and close < open

isUseAvgPriceInLoss = input.bool(true, group = "Exit Type")
if isUseAvgPriceInLoss and strategy.position_avg_price > close //and strategy.position_avg_price <= close[1]
    //  and (dir1 > 0 or dir2 > 0 or dir3 > 0)
    //  and strategy.opentrades >= 1  
    //  and strategy.opentrades >= 3  

isUseAllPositionsInLoss = input.bool(false, group = "Exit Type")
if isUseAllPositionsInLoss
      and (
         or (strategy.opentrades == 1 and ((not na(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0))) and strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) > close))

         or (strategy.opentrades == 1 and ((not na(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0))) and strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) > close)
             and ((not na(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1))) and strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1) > close))

         or (strategy.opentrades == 1 and ((not na(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0))) and strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) > close)
             and ((not na(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1))) and strategy.opentrades.entry_price(1) > close)
             and ((not na(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(2))) and strategy.opentrades.entry_price(2) > close))

// Plot
plot(superTrend1, title='Fast Supertrend',      color=dir1 == 1 and dir1[1] == 1 ? : dir1 == -1 and dir1[1] == -1 ? : na)
plot(superTrend2, title='Medium Supertrend',    color=dir2 == 1 and dir2[1] == 1 ? : dir2 == -1 and dir2[1] == -1 ? : na)
plot(superTrend3, title='Slow Supertrend',      color=dir3 == 1 and dir3[1] == 1 ? : dir3 == -1 and dir3[1] == -1 ? : na)
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Strategy Parameters

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The original address: Multi-Period Supertrend Dynamic Pyramiding Trading Strategy

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