The Maker Show: TinyML for wildlife conservation 🐘

Goran Vuksic - Feb 25 '21 - - Dev Community

The Maker Show is series of monthly one hour show for developers hosted by Sherry List and Goran Vuksic. On each episode we highlight tools and projects from the community that can inspire new creations and inventions.

Biodiversity is declining at a rapid pace and several wild species are at risk of extinction. With technical support as IoT solutions and machine learning, conservation efforts can be facilitated.

Sara Olsson is a Maker who recently took a big step into the world of things. She has a background in software development and image processing and is now exploring the combined field of IoT and Machine Learning. She is an ambassador at Edge Impulse and uses their tools to train ML for wildlife conservation.

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Sara gave a talk on machine learning for camera traps and running inference on the edge. She demonstrated image classification, from model training to deployment, using tools as Edge Impulse, Azure IoT Edge, and the OpenMV camera board.

Feel free to check out recording of the show:

Demo resources:
Hackster submission
Edge Impulse
• Kaggle Dataset: Africa Wildlife

Related project mentioned:
• Project Ngulia:
• Master thesis: Edge Machine Learning for Animal Detection, Classification, and Tracking
• with co-author Amanda Tydén

Inspiration and related projects:
Microsoft AI for Earth and their CameraTrap repo
Project 15 and their github repo
Hack The Poacher
Smart Parks

Related learn modules on MS Learn:
Classify endangered bird species with Custom Vision
Train and package an Azure machine learning module for deployment to IoT Edge device

Follow us on our ForDevs Twitter account if you would like to be notified when our next show will be announced. You can also join our Meetup group and subscribe to our Youtube channel.

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