Eddie Jaoude's Podcast Notes

Francesco Ciulla - Mar 22 '22 - - Dev Community

Find Francesco here

Eddie Jaoude has invited me as a guest. I have taken some notes before we started

Here is the link fo the video:


Give yourself an introduction: who you are, where you are chatting to us from

Hi everyone, I'm Francesco, from Rome, I'm 38, and I've been in the tech world professionally for 7 years. I have a CS degree but I am also a self-taught developer! I have worked with many technologies: Unity3D, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Python, various databases, but above all Docker. I've also been Docker captain for about a year. I have been active on social media for only 2 years, I never opened them before and considered them a waste of time. being filmed from a camera or the idea of ​​appearing in a public video simply terrified me. I am now very active on many social networks, especially Twitter and YouTube, and am very happy to be here as Eddie's guest!

What are you working on at the moment?

I am currently a Developer Advocate for daily.dev, and I am studying the Web3 world, every day, sharing what I learn day by day.

What did you do before getting into tech?

Good question. and the answer is quite simple: I have been a volleyball coach and have done it for almost 20 years since I was 16. i also taught physical math and chemistry as a private instructor..so I have been a teacher all my life! both of my parents are teachers, and so are many of my relatives. my grandmother was one of the first woman headteachers in Italy

What attracted you to get into tech and how did you go about it?

I've always loved computers! my first computer was the Commodore 64, and I've always mounted my computers! I was also almost a professional gamer, and I enrolled in computer science a few years ago. I have always loved math, but less programming. what got me into the tech world was a challenge: a professor told me that I could never be a developer. and when someone tells me that, something pops up in my mind to prove otherwise haha. but this was just the beginning, I started seriously with Unity3d, a fun thing, and then the bachelor's degree in computer science, my FIRST job for the European space agency, and finally, Twitter and social media, which makes me not you never get bored!

What were the challenges you faced in getting into tech and how did you overcome them?

A challenge was having to face everything alone: ​​I felt overloaded with information and was studying in private. It wasn't easy, and that's one of the reasons I'm now so much a fan of using social media as a developer

Another challenge is staticity! when I started working for the European space agency and had to work seated, being used to working in a gym I would get up every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom and stretch my legs, my colleagues thought I was taking drugs or had problems with the intestine

Last but not least, my camera shyness. That was hard

What are your current challenges that maybe the community can help with?

The 100 days of Web3 Challenge!
I am also building a community of content creators

What resources do you use to answer any tech questions you have, to improve and learn new skills?

Google official docs, the person I really admire, and official docs

Where do you find support from in tech - be that technical support, but also encouragement and motivation?

My friends and my strong connections on social media. Eddie, you are one of them. feeling that you are an inspiration to someone is always pleasant, but we are all human, we are all learning, and we are all inspired by someone.

Who inspires you in tech?

  • Brad Traversy: for the huge amount of insanely quality videos
  • @Adrian Twarog Adrian Twarog: for the quality of his videos
  • @Eddie Jaoude Eddie Jaoude: for his community-building skills
  • @Flavio Copes Flavio Copes for his consistency.

Where would you like to be in the next few years?

still do not know. 2 years ago, I didn't have a social media presence and I was still working for ESA by car and with 3 hours of commute ... then a pandemic broke out! and so many of those things have happened that hours would not be enough to tell them. I would like to work in contact with people, improve the quality of my videos and content, and organize events for the tech community

What do you wish you knew when you started out?

you don't have to learn everything at the same time. and use social media right away, don't wait to find a job in tech, but use social media to find a job in tech, possibly remote

Final message from you - what would you say to someone in the community who is currently "stuck"? And by "stuck" I mean, they are not sure if tech is for them, they might be feeling demotivated as they have not been able to secure an internship or a job, or they are stuck in learning a new language or solving a problem.

ok first thing: calm down. there is no reason to panic. I like to draw analogies with sport: there are some exercises that do not come to us and when we see someone else succeed, we get discouraged because we would like to be like them. but the beauty is that we are all different, and we have different abilities. what I can say is that with hard work on ourselves, we can fill these holes and still succeed in our goals. never be afraid to ask for help if you need it, and always think big, don't focus on a single commit, a single failed video, a failed article. open your mind, and think in video series, podcast series, commit series. this is what helps me when I have a bad day: I think about making an overall balance and I don't focus on a single imperfection.

Find Francesco here

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