Day 2 of 30

Francis Ngugi - Jun 1 - - Dev Community

So for today, I didn't cover a lot but still learned some frontend concepts... I am still trying to get into the habit of having a consistent time for studying and trying to wrap my head around, Whether I should learn React(Frontend Dev), Flask(BackendDev), and EthicalHacking(TryHackMe)

So for today, this is what I learned:

List and Keys:

Did a small project that combined what I learned yesterday and today and deployed it on vercel:

(ii)The Source Code:

The most interesting thing that I learned today was about doing the project that had this Bonus requirement:

**If the article takes less than 30 minutes to read:

For every 5 minutes (rounded up to the nearest 5), display a coffee cup emoji. For example, if the article takes 3 minutes to read, you should display "☕️ 3 min read". If the article takes 7 minutes, you should display "☕️☕️ 7 min read".
If the article takes 30 minutes or longer to read:

For every 10 minutes (rounded up to the nearest 10), display a bento box emoji. For example, if the article takes 35 minutes to read, you should display "🍱🍱🍱🍱 35 min read". If the article takes 61 minutes to read, you should display "🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱 61 min read".

And to solve that requirement I wrote the following code:

Image description

Anybody with suggestions for: *I am still trying to get into the habit of having a consistent time for studying and trying to wrap my head around, Whether I should learn React(Frontend Dev), Flask(BackendDev), and EthicalHacking(TryHackMe)

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