Day 7 of 30

Francis Ngugi - Jun 18 - - Dev Community

So for today I reading related to Hacking and did some React.JS learning.

       **<u>What I did in TryHackMe</u>**
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-So I read about SMB and how it works and How to enumerate service running on SMB and how to exploit it.

       **<u>What I learnt on React.JS</u>**
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-For today I did a simple project that focused on the Admin role on a quiz app where the admin could add a qsn, delete a qsn and Change the answer of the qsn and all of the qsns were to be fetched in a db.json mock server:
i)The code:

-After the project I did some learning on Client-side routing and did a small project:

i)The learning part code:

ii) The small project I did to practice what I had learnt:

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