I've worked with different projects that perform tokenization differently; often it involves using different delimiters. While researching I saw that Drupal (which I don't use) has an official TokenReplace function documented in their API. I thought I'd write something similar since this this doesn't appear to be a function that Adobe ColdFusion currently has.
Create a string with tokens.
Here are some samples. (I don't personally recommend using HTML brackets, pound signs or parenthesis, but some frameworks use them.)
Hello {name}? Is this {address}? I have a special delivery for '{ccName}'.
Hello [name]? Is this [address]? I have a special delivery for '[ccName]'.
Hello <name>? Is this <address>? I have a special delivery for '<ccName>'.
Hello :name:? Is this :address:? I have a special delivery for ':ccName:'.
Hello <<name>>? Is this <<address>>? I have a special delivery for '<<ccName>>'.
Hello ::name::? Is this ::address::? I have a special delivery for '::ccName::'.
Hello #name#? Is this #address#? I have a special delivery for '#ccName#'.
Hello %name%? Is this %address%? I have a special delivery for '%ccName%'.
Hello -name-? Is this -address-? I have a special delivery for '-ccName-'.
Create a data structure.
(NOTE: The token is not case-sensitive.)
replacementData = {
"name" = "Bruce Wayne",
"Address" = "1007 Mountain Drive, Gotham",
"ccName" = "The Dark Night"
Use the UDF
TokenReplace(Text, replacementData, "{", "}")
// Hello Bruce Wayne? Is this 1007 Mountain Drive, Gotham? I have a special delivery for 'The Dark Night'.
NOTE: ReEscape may be an Adobe ColdFusion-only function, but BlueDragon supports it too. I'm not sure what the equivalent Lucee function is. (UPDATE: I replaced the ACF built-in function with the REEscape UDF from CFLib.)
TryCF Demo