Top 10 Killer Upcoming Web Design Trends to Inspire You in 2023

Himadri Patel - Oct 19 '22 - - Dev Community

38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content/layout is unattractive!

Hence, it is necessary to keep your website updated to attract more visitors and convert them into potential customers.

A great web design, however, can help your business stand out from the competition. Thereby, staying up-to-date with the latest web design trends is inevitably essential.

Here are the effective web design trends that will innovatively allow you to stand out from the competition.

Top 10 killer Web Design Trends 2023:

1) Custom Illustrations
2) Interactive 3D Elements
3) Micro-Interactions
4) CSS Grid
5) White Space
6) Dark Mode
7) Accessibility
8) Neomorphic Design
9) Organic Shapes
10) Fresh Color

1) Custom Illustrations: can also be conceptual designs of UI or brand logos. These can also be used on business letterheads, packaging, and even office stationery.

2) Interactive 3D Elements: 3D technology has become well-established in various divisions like gaming, movies, smartphones, and AR-VR. This technology when considered with web design can do wonders.

3) Micro-Interactions: Seth Godin once said, “Every interaction, in any form is branding.” And it is so true with the micro-interactions on your website.
The only purpose for involving micro-interactions in your web design is to create a jiff that engages the ‘human’ user.

4) CSS Grid: The CSS grid is a layout solution that allows you to control the size and placement of grid items. It provides flexibility in web designing to achieve any layout needed by web designers.

5) White Space: also known as breathing space or negative space is much more than the empty space between website elements and content.

6) Dark Mode: is one big trend. You know it when colossal companies like Google, Instagram, Spotify, WeTransfer, MasterClass, and WhatsApp have already embraced this trend.

Find all 10 Trends here in detail:

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