Fuchsia OS: The Game Changer in OS world?

Jay TillušŸ˜Ž - Jun 30 '19 - - Dev Community

Everyone knows about OS fragmentation. Today there are five major Operating Systems the world. In Computers Windows, macOS and Linux are there and in the smartphones, Android and iOS are ruling. But this fragmentation creates a lot of problems for developers and consumers.

Following are some issues due to the fragmentation of Operating systems:

  1. More OS means more platforms and more app creationsā€”ā€ŠDue to OS fragmentation developers need to create more apps for each platform to increase their reach to customers.
  2. More OS means more resources and more management needs for companiesā€Šā€”ā€ŠMore OS needs more resources and more management work for companies. For example, Google needs to provide security-patches for each android versions. Also, it causes a headache for developers because while creating apps they need to take care of old android versions as well. So that sometimes they need to sacrifice some features.

  3. Users found themselves in different UI experiencesā€Šā€”ā€ŠBecause of different kind of operating systems user faces a different kind of user interfaces. Each OS works and functions differently. When the user switches from one to another they need to learn that OS and forgot the habits of using an old one.

So these are three main reasons that we have faces due to OS fragmentation. Now you may be thinking why you tell these all reasons to us. Guys, I stated these reasons so that you can understand the needs and impact that Fuchsia can make in the OS world.

What is Project Fuchsia?

Fuchsia is first known on the Internet while the project first appeared on GitHub in August 2016. At that time Google didnā€™t announce such project publicly. Google puts it free and open-source under a variety of licenses including BSD 3 clause, MIT, and Apache 2.0.

Its major part is written in Dart but Google also uses other languages such as C, C++, Swift, Go, Python, Rust, and Shell. Unlike Android and Chrome OS Fuchsia is not based on Linux Kernel, It is based on a new microkernel called Zircon.

Another surprising thing is Fuchsiaā€™s user interface and apps are fully written in Flutter(The Mobile development SDK). Which made Fuchsiaā€™s UI faster(120 fps), smoother and cross-platform. Flutterā€™s widgets use Material Design Interface Guidelines that means UI and apps of Fuchsia will be much more beautiful than others. Flutter also offers Vulkan-based graphics rendering engine called ā€œEscherā€ which provides faster graphics rendering.

Expected implementations of Fuchsia OS

From the code inspection of GitHub, it seems Fuchsia is capable to run on Universal Devices from Embedded systems to smartphones, tablets, and personal computer as well.

That means One OS for all platforms. If Fuchsia is implemented on its full potential then we can expect it everywhere. Whether it is your smart watch, smart glasses, smart refrigerator, smart speakers, smart assistance, personal computers, security devices or anything else you can imagine. If it is implemented on its full potential, Fuchsia will be everywhere.

Fuchsia is still under development and we can expect more features and device support in futureā€¦

So, guys, thatā€™s it for now. Feel free to let me know if I miss something.

Till then Keep Coding, Keep Loving. Iā€™ll catch you up in the next article.

Jai Hind, Vande Mataram šŸ‡®šŸ‡³

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