Maximizing Application Resilience: A Cost-Saving Guide to Cloud Optimization

Jigar Shah - Aug 7 '23 - - Dev Community

As organizations are on the way to scaling their cloud platforms, they're encountering challenges to ensure the high availability of their apps and data while also taking care of the expense. But not to stress, there are different tools and techniques for these issues. Why I’m so confident? Let’s get this straight with a fact. As per Future Market Insights, the multi-cloud optimization tools market is expected to cross USD 47.6 million by 2032.

You know, when I was pursuing my engineering a few years back, the most common approach for cloud optimization was to deploy multi-region or multizone architectures, which helps provide higher availability by duplicating resources across different geographical locations. However, this technique was complex as well as a bit costly and, most importantly, was not capable enough to deliver ransomware recovery facilities. So, keeping this approach on the backseat, companies then opted to deploy a cloud application time machine model, where it recreates all the resources on demand using the help of virtual data that copies on demand in any location at any time.

Kudos to - the cloud application resilience model.

Organizations can save terrific cloud expenses and simultaneously minimize complexity by using this exceptional cloud application resilience model. There are several benefits of cloud-based applications, and this application resilience model is one of them, helping in cloud optimization. This model integrates disaster recovery, high availability, data backup, and cloud infrastructure backup by using orchestration and advanced automation to consistently secure and recover apps and data in the cloud. Therefore, with the help of the cloud application resilience model, you can easily recover the apps in the same location in real-time, minimizing downtime and guaranteeing continuous availability.

Wanna know more about application resilience for cloud optimization?

You’ve landed at the perfect place. This short and sweet guide will discuss everything you need to know about cloud application resilience. So, let’s dive in!

Importance of Cloud Resiliency

Wondering, why cloud resiliency is necessary? So, without cloud resiliency, your important and daily business activities and applications stay vulnerable to different attacks and loopholes, which eventually lead to application outages. And I bet no organization wants that! This is the reason you need to move toe-to-toe with changing market demands. And how? Just by keeping your cloud infrastructure strong and resilient. Hence, your customers and end-users can consistently enjoy a seamless experience with your cloud-based applications. And don't worry; to make your cloud infrastructure more resilient, you can always rely on an expert cloud application development company.

What is Application Resiliency in Cloud?

So, application resiliency is how fast your organization can bounce back from various kinds of outages, whether human errors or any ransomware attacks to loopholes and natural disasters. The downtime cause isn’t as critical as the aftereffects and how quickly your organization stand up and run.

Hence, application resiliency is a key component of your strategic business plan and is even more significant now that we have increasingly diverse and challenging infrastructures. For instance, if you utilize multiple clouds, a strong and resilient infrastructure gives you all the flexibility to restore the information from one cloud to another or quickly shift across distributions. This type of agility is crucial for app resiliency since it helps speed up the recovery time.

Therefore, resilient cloud applications can:

  • Be quickly and efficiently restored into another cloud
  • Run successfully in production without any loopholes or errors 
  • Move to different infrastructures or environments whenever you need to

Importance of Application Resiliency
Application resiliency helps keep both your external customers and internal end users happy and satisfied. You must be aware that your workforce and other end users are dependent on business applications for different purposes. Hence, an internal app outage can lead to severe consequences and impacts your team's efficiency (and not in an effective way).

Similarly, different problems with customers or user-facing apps can leave them unhappy and disappointed, decreasing their chances to return. Hence, unexpected downtime or outage in your apps can drastically impact your heart of the matter. Hence, application resiliency takes care that your clients have a constant and interactive experience every time they open and use your apps. Satisfied clients engage with your apps longer, eventually adding more feathers to your cap. So, always remember - happy clients, happy you!

For systematic and supervised industries, such as healthcare, government, or finance, data compliance management is quite important. So, to keep all the essential data on the cloud in coordination with industry compliance ethics, you need to present a higher level of application resiliency in case of outages or shutdowns.

Hence, as exclaimed by an award-winning cloud application development company, app resiliency helps in maintaining your reputation as a responsive organization that is in tune with the customer's needs and market demands.

Now, comes the soul of our article – how to maximize application resiliency.

How to Maximize Your Application Resiliency?

Now that you're familiar with what application resiliency exactly is, and why it's important. So, comes another important and relevant question, i.e., how to make your apps resilient and maximize their efficiency. I suggest, let's start with basic steps. Let's begin with your backup or data security practices.
Here’s what you can do:        
1) Disaster Recovery Automation - Always opt for an automation tool that helps you build your disaster recovery plans. These plans can consist of backup and restoration across multiple clouds or distributions or in different namespaces. These functionalities help you carry out best practices and satisfy your compliance motives.

2) Application-Centric Backup - Your platform should be capable enough to back up data and even metadata. Metadata consists of all the significant context for how to create your application and efficiently assists you to recover to your last known good state.

3) Cloud or Kubernetes Distribution Backup Capabilities - Always look for a solution that enables you to transfer copies to multiple environments right away, so you can easily migrate apps and improve the performance and cost of your environment.

4) Consistent Backup for Fast Restoration - Your platform should consistently back up your data and metadata so that when any disaster hits, the restoration process is rapid and there's minimal data loss.

Summing Up!
Now, you'd understand that application resiliency can make your organization outstanding and give you an upper edge over the increasing market competition. And without application resiliency, your company can suffer issues like frequent outages and slow response times. This will leave your business with frustrated employees, end users, and clients, eventually affecting your productivity and company goals.

So, if you're keen to start or enhance your application resiliency journey, your best shot would be to join hands with a reputable cloud application development company. Since the public cloud is public (i.e., shared), your cloud service providers throttle agility for the users' benefits. So, whether it be a failover or outage event, they can help you with everything.

So, that’s all about application resiliency for cloud optimization.

Thank you for being part of this brief journey. Hope you liked the article.

Happy Learning!

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