Integrating LinkedIn Authentication into a Django Application with Python

Dominique Megnidro - Dec 28 '23 - - Dev Community

Today's web applications demand robust authentication systems to ensure a secure user experience. Integrating third-party authentication platforms, such as LinkedIn, provides a practical and reliable solution. In this article, we will explore how to use API managers in Python and Django to streamline this integration process, using LinkedIn as a concrete example.

## The Context of Authentication in Web Applications
Authentication is a crucial element in the development of modern web applications. It ensures that users have secure access to their data and features. By opting for external authentication solutions, like those provided by LinkedIn, developers can delegate this responsibility while ensuring user trust.

Comprehensive Article on Integrating LinkedIn Authentication into a Django Application Using API Managers as an Example
Creating the LinkedIn API Manager

Creating a LinkedIn-specific API manager greatly simplifies the process. The methods of this manager facilitate generating the authorization URL and exchanging the authorization code for an access token.
Configuring the LinkedIn Developer Application

Before starting, it is necessary to set up an application on the LinkedIn Developer platform. This step provides the API keys (client ID and client secret) required for secure interaction between the Django application and the LinkedIn API.


import requests

class LinkedInAPIManager:
def init(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri):
# ... (constructor details)

def get_authorization_url(self):
    # ... (generate authorization URL)

def exchange_code_for_token(self, code):
    # ... (exchange code for access token)

def _encode_params(self, params):
    # ... (encode parameters for URL)
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Integration into a Django View


In a Django view dedicated to LinkedIn authentication, use the API manager to redirect users to the authorization URL and handle the callback after authorization.


from django.shortcuts import redirect
from .api_manager import LinkedInAPIManager

def linkedin_auth(request):
# ... (redirect user to authorization URL)
return redirect(linkedin_manager.get_authorization_url())

def linkedin_callback(request):
# ... (handle callback after user authorizes the application)
code = request.GET.get('code')

# ... (exchange authorization code for access token)
access_token = linkedin_manager.exchange_code_for_token(code)

# ... (use access_token as needed in your application)

return render(request, 'linkedin_callback.html')
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Using the LinkedIn Access Token


The obtained access token can be used to make requests to the LinkedIn API on behalf of the authenticated user. For example, retrieving the user's profile.

# Example LinkedIn API request with access_token
def get_linkedin_profile(access_token):
# ... (make a request to LinkedIn API using access_token)

By integrating LinkedIn authentication into a Django application using API managers, developers can offer a secure user experience without sacrificing simplicity. API managers simplify complexity, allowing developers to focus on the unique features of their application.

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